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Fun for the regulars
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Author:  Babs [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:06 am ]
Post subject:  Fun for the regulars

I have a lot of regulars that come to my venue and from that has comes some fun silliness. I thought I'd share in case some of you have the same kind of crowd and like to interact with them.

Most of my regs have karaoke names and from that this happened -

One of them is Hanky Panky. When I call him up I say to the crowd, "I say Hanky, you say Panky". Then I yell Hanky and the whole bar yells back Panky. It sounds corny, but it works.

I have another singer that has always joked with everyone that they suck when they sing and from that came this - I yell, "Hey Kevin" and the whole bar yells "You suck!". Then he comes up and sings. Everyone likes this guy and his humor started the whole thing. He can't wait to sing just to here everyone do it. LMAO New people are shy to do it, but when they realise it's a joke and he likes it they join in without hesitation. He actually makes me do it again if not enough people yell.

Another one is a guy named "Old Man River". For some reason I started saying his name using the "R" at the end of river to crow like a rooster. Don't ask me why, maybe bordem? But now the whole bar crows like a rooster when I call him up. To funny.

This one is a gal who fills in for me when I can't be there, Baby K. Again I don't why I started doing this, but when the bar starts doing it too, it sticks. I call her up and start singing - "Baby K Baby K does what ever a Baby K does" and the bar sings back "Can she swing from a web? No she can't, she's a Baby K! It's from the Spider Pig song from the simpson's movie if you don't recognize it. Wierd I know.

It sounds funny to put this to words, but we have so much fun doing it. I have others, but these are my favorite that get done almost nightly now.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

I love it, and I love your loose style!

For me it's not the phrases, it's the names themselves. My regulars don't give themselves names- they wait for me.

I have a horrible time remembering names, but not faces or interesting habits. So I started giving out nicknames:

White Velvet- the smooth crooner, The Pocket Cutie- a very diminutive lady, Silent Dave - my loudest singer, My Favorite Flower ( actual name is Rosie), Beyoootyful Chris, The Hamster, Sparkle, Angel Face (think Trigger), etc....

Newbies actually bug me for names, kind of like people who like being insulted by Don Rickles.....

Author:  Babs [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

Some people that come in already have karaoke names, some people come up with their own and sometimes it's me. I'll give someone a karaoke name if they become a regular and have a common name like John, Mary, Bob or Sue. As to not offend them I'll ask them first if they have a nickname they'd like to use. If they want me to do it I'll ask their friends or significant other for one. I get the best ideas from friends.

There are some names I will refuse to say over the mic. Certain body parts don't need to be called out over a mic. LMAO Especially since I'm the one who has to do it.

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

Heya Babs... welcome back! Missed ya!

I too had some nicknames for my regulars... One guy Michael always loved to sing CCR stuff, and John Fogerty solo material. So we'd call him Michael Fogerty! LOL!

My very first nickname I ever gave anyone was two gals that would get up to dance together. They weren't gay, but they loved to act it. I called them the Sin Sisters and nearly brought the house down. They LOVED it!

Author:  Bill H. [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

All my nicknames come from the regulars themselves. And there's quite a few. There's Phatboy, Freaky Frank (both very descriptive).

One wants me to call him Swervin when he raps, but everyone knows him as Shane otherwise.

I had a regular for awhile who wanted me to call her "Jersey" because she's a local bank manager and didn't want her real name associated with myself and the other degenerates in my room. I think she was afraid it would get back to her boss that she hung out with us low-lifes. When I called her real name out once she got mad.

Author:  karyoker [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

BABS!!! For some reason your nicknames and all remind me of frequent visits to cat houses over a period of time (dont take that wrong) When people are bonded in a common adventure they have nicknames for each other. To me you would be SWEET THANG!!!

Author:  Gryf [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 2:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

Great stories. I don't have any real crowd conditioning except when I get to say goodnight to regulars that are leaving between singers. It's always "It looks like Jim/Jane/John is leaving folks" and they call out "Goodnight Jim/Jane/John". Some folks like to leave between singers just to have everyone wish them goodnight. They also tell me they're leaving and to take them out of the rotation so I know to call them out. :)

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 3:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

Wow, sounds like fun!

Never talked to you Babs, but do you have a website with pics from your shows?? I've reading your posts and I would love to scope it out.

The forum has been invaluable to me over the last several months... You all rock(hey, even you Mick :wink: )!

Author:  jdmeister [ Wed Apr 22, 2009 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

My nick gets erased be the swear filter.. :mrgreen:

Author:  Babs [ Thu Apr 23, 2009 9:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

karaoke koyote @ Wed Apr 22, 2009 5:27 pm wrote:
Wow, sounds like fun!

Never talked to you Babs, but do you have a website with pics from your shows?? I've reading your posts and I would love to scope it out.

The forum has been invaluable to me over the last several months... You all rock(hey, even you Mick :wink: )!

I used to have a website, but stopped a few years back. I'm fortunate not to need one. I did it more for fun. It seems the regulars at the bar have started something on facebook though. I haven't checked it out as of yet. I'm just getting my life back in order after my busy season at my day job.

Author:  Terryoke [ Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

At our venues we have a lot of nicknames. Mine is my handle on the site - Terryoke or Mr. T. My wife is DBS - Debbie "Boots" Sinatra. Our good friend is Coach (like on Cheers), we also sometimes say he is from Wisconsin then he is Coa"Cheez" or he sings the Beach Boys he is Coa"Chamoh"

One of our local hosts is Special "K", her brother is Corny Flakes as he is the flake in the family and her father is Oat Bran – just a regular guy.

Some of the characters at our local shows are out of Toby Keith's song "I Love This Bar". One is an Elvis wannabe, his handle is Delvis. His act would be great if he actually had any talent. Most people think he is joking around. Another is Slavering Steve - an Englishman with a thick Yorkshire accent that gets worse as he consumes more beer. He also tends to spit on you when he speaks.

I have a good friend who is an MD and runs a diet clinic. My original nickname for him was Doctor Phat. But he likes the second nickname I gave him "Hockey Doc". He is a big Calgary Flames fan and sings Stompin' Tom Connors song - "The Hockey Song"

I think stage names or nicknames are fun and help some shy people to develop an alter ego

Author:  mrscott [ Fri Apr 24, 2009 11:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

You know? these pet names actually DO sound fun. I was given a couple when I first started singing karaoke. But, I honestly have a hard time giving people "nichnames", because the names can "stick" and hurt someones own emotional being. When I was young, all the kids used to call everyone by their last name. My last name is sorta uncommon and it got "morphed" into everything under the sun. Kids are mean I know, but you actually never outgrow the stigma when its done out of spite or ridicule. However, if the pet names given are fun, and the person receiving them is OK with it, it shouldn't be an issue. I'm just saying "be careful" when you attach these names, they honestly can do more harm than good. I don't wanna sound like a stick in the mud, but coming from someone who had a very hard childhood, and to this day have to deal with some of the "knotheads" from my childhood, just be careful, please?

Author:  Babs [ Fri Apr 24, 2009 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

Terroke I love the names. You've given me some ideas. LMAO
Some more I have: Ritalin (the guy has some serious ADD issues LMAO), Tuner, Tinman, G Spot, Spanky, Heidilicious, Polish Sausage, Stoner Ken, Italian Stalian, Don Juan, Cheese and Hefforoni, Shawn of the Dead, Bring Your Own Bob, Sponge Bob, Animal, Boogie Davis, Hairless Herb, Sandman, Phat Phil, Doc Holiday, Gigalo Joe, Very Barry, Crispy, Angry Shiite, Naughty Koolade

Author:  ripman8 [ Fri Apr 24, 2009 5:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

Funny, that's where I got the name of my business! Bing came from my last name and was supposed to be insulting but ended up sticking for many years. I pulled it from the dead last year.

Author:  mrscott [ Sat Apr 25, 2009 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fun for the regulars

My high school nickname was JavaMan. Not because i drank coffee, they thought i looked like a caveman!. And when i started singing, (lots of years later) they hung this one on me,,,"Scottie too hottie",,,,,,,,uuuuuhhh,,might i add I aint a pretty man by any means, so i would just hang my head in disgust, and then go sing when they called my "name". They called my wife, "what the hell michelle", I have no idea how that one came about. One of my regs, we call "Damn-it Brandon", because he is so slow in coming up to the stage, so we yell "Damn it Brandon, get up here",,and it just sorta stuck to him like glue.

Sometimes a nickname just "happens". Those are the funny ones.

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