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Taking the leap to computer!
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Author:  z man [ Tue May 19, 2009 1:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Taking the leap to computer!

After many years of using discs, I have finally decided to convert to laptop. My question is, which karaoke program is going to be best at reading the cdgs that have numerous surface scratches on them? Also, which software progams can be used to play regular music when there is a limited amount of singers?

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Tue May 19, 2009 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking the leap to computer!

compuhost, the only choice. It has an "a/b deck" that will automatically flow from one song to the next inbetween karaoke. Hit "GO" and the filler fades, and goes right into the karaoke track. When the karaoke is done, it automatically goes right back to music.

It automatically keeps track of your rotation too, and has a scroll bar at the bottom of the screen so everyone can see who's up next. Current singer is automatically announced as "now appearing"

You can keep track of multiple song submissions and duets, as well as singer's histories... no more song slips to keep track of!

Just google "compuhost" and take the first link. :D

I've been using it for two years now, and everytime another dj/kj sees this program thier jaws drop from envy... Trust me, there is no program finer.

Author:  ripman8 [ Tue May 19, 2009 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking the leap to computer!

Agreed. Don't forget, when playing transition music between performances, you can automatically have the volume lower or higher on the transision music (than the karaoke music) and you can also set it to play a new song between each performance or have it pick up to the exact spot in the transition song that was faded out into the karaoke song.

Author:  z man [ Tue May 19, 2009 3:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking the leap to computer!

Thanks for the input. I have looked at compuhost and it does look very good. It is one of the ones i am leaning towards.

Author:  Lonman [ Tue May 19, 2009 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking the leap to computer!

There is no best, just what will fit your needs. They all will work. I prefer Hoster as it fits the needs I require.
Best thing is to download the demos & try them all out then decide for yourself.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Tue May 19, 2009 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking the leap to computer!

Lonman @ Tue May 19, 2009 6:51 pm wrote:
There is no best, just what will fit your needs. They all will work. I prefer Hoster as it fits the needs I require.
Best thing is to download the demos & try them all out then decide for yourself.

I agree with lonnie in that you should test the programs before buying one. Find the one that has the features you are looking for and then decide for yourself. As to ripping hard to rip discs, you can't go wrong with PowerKAraoke's CDGBurner. you can get it at www.powerkaraoke.com for about $40.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed May 20, 2009 1:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking the leap to computer!

DannyG2006 @ Tue May 19, 2009 4:59 pm wrote:
Lonman @ Tue May 19, 2009 6:51 pm wrote:
There is no best, just what will fit your needs. They all will work. I prefer Hoster as it fits the needs I require.
Best thing is to download the demos & try them all out then decide for yourself.

I agree with lonnie in that you should test the programs before buying one. Find the one that has the features you are looking for and then decide for yourself. As to ripping hard to rip discs, you can't go wrong with PowerKAraoke's CDGBurner. you can get it at www.powerkaraoke.com for about $40.

The new CDG Rip is free & works with drives that aren't 'technically' cdg compatible.
Although I personally have used it & even though it does work on my 'non' cdg drives, it is not as good as Powerkaraoke cdg burner or MTU Microstudio/Hoster which works seemingly better as far as less graphic glitches. But for free it is a decent product.

Author:  Gryf [ Wed May 20, 2009 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking the leap to computer!

While I do use Compuhost as it fits my needs best, there are plenty of others out there. Download and try them all, they all have their strengths.

Compuhost is one of the most expensive programs out there. As for filler music I strongly recommend a second source for filler between singers especially as you make the transition. The worst thing to have happen is your software puke on you and end up with dead air. Something as simple as an iPod can prevent that. I use a second source and play requests off my karaoke PC.

Had to reboot the other night in the middle of a show because of a conflict I incurred with new hardware (wireless NIC). The iPod carried the minute reboot and I was off and running again without issue.

Author:  karaoke koyote [ Wed May 20, 2009 6:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Taking the leap to computer!

I've been using compuhost for over a year now, and never had a real problem. There's been times where I've had to restart the program, but not the computer itself. Compuhost picks up right where you left off after a restart, so my down time might have been 30 seconds at most.

This program lets you walk away from the board and get out there with the folks... no need to baby sit once you've got the singer set. If you're short on singers you can just let it play. I have songlists for the bars I play in... I just load my settings when I get booted and start.

I hightly recomment you download the demo and try it out and compare it with others. That's what I did, and why compuhost was perfect. The features this program has are incredible.

He's added a "search while you type" feature that just speeds up song selection. It saves your key changes! You set it when the singer requests the song, and its in the history... Thus two weeks later when the singer comes back... Boom, the key change is already there!

I recomment you "count the clicks" it takes to get a song in and a singer started... compuhost is very efficient in this way.

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