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Saving Song Parameters
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Author:  tonybee808 [ Wed May 20, 2009 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Saving Song Parameters


I sent this to Pacemaker...

I have just registered my copy of Pacemaker in the hope that I would be able to save the key changes that I make for various songs but try as I may, the sliders revert to neutral positions every time I come back to the song.I am using Windows XP, Winamp 5.551, Pacemaker 2.2 in conjunction with Sax-n-Dotty's Show Presenter v2008.2.29 (Karaoke Software).I have tried various settings in Pacemaker using the "Memorize above settings for each song" and "Enable Processing" buttons but without any success.I did think that the"Show Presenter" key change buttons were not saving the settings because the Pacemaker wasn't registered but registration has made no difference.

...and got this reply...

If you're using Sax'n'Dotty to control the music, then Sax'n'Dotty application is in control for the sound settings and overrides PaceMaker own setting storage - thus please check that Sax'n'Dotty is set up properly for storing the song parameters.

...so does anyone know how I set up show presenter to save the song parameters?

Tony the Limey

Author:  stogie [ Wed May 20, 2009 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving Song Parameters

I struggled with this and gave up on Pacemaker and autokdj. I don't know Sax n Dotty, but I do know that Karafun wll save Key change and Tempo changes for each song. It needs to be set in the configuration. Hoster will save Key changes and playlists, but doesn't have Tempo adjustment. I don't know about Just Karaoke or Siglos, but they might.

Author:  Zonerc [ Wed May 20, 2009 6:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving Song Parameters

I dont know with Sax-n-Dotty's Show Presenter v2008.2.29 but i have version 3 which has history and it saves both the song of a singer and what ever the key is .

Author:  tonybee808 [ Wed May 20, 2009 12:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving Song Parameters

I too have the History Page and on the right hand side is a collumn headed "Key" but every song has a "0" alongside and does not save any keychanges that I make.

I bought Show Presenter just two weeks ago and already it's been superceded with version 3.
Just my luck!

Author:  RLC [ Wed May 20, 2009 1:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving Song Parameters

zonerc @ Wed May 20, 2009 8:52 am wrote:
I dont know with Sax-n-Dotty's Show Presenter v2008.2.29 but i have version 3 which has history and it saves both the song of a singer and what ever the key is .

zonerc and tonybee808, version 3 and build 2008.2.29 are one in the same, build 2008.2.29 being the latest and last fix for version 3

now knowing that, zonerc should be able to help you with your question.

I run version 2.2, which does not have the singer history in it, so I can't help you.

Author:  searcherone [ Thu May 21, 2009 7:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving Song Parameters

MTU 's Hoster 4.08 has a Singer database that saves the singer's name song title, manufacturer and key. Plus there is a freeware program to use networked PCs to manager singer signup and uses a copy of the Hoster Songs database to search for songs.

Author:  tonybee808 [ Fri May 22, 2009 1:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving Song Parameters

From what you say, it sounds like MTU's Hoster does the job a whole lot better than Sax-n-Dotty's show Presenter.

I just can't understand why they created a Keychange column if there isn't a way to use it!

Author:  Lonman [ Fri May 22, 2009 1:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving Song Parameters

tonybee808 @ Fri May 22, 2009 2:30 am wrote:
From what you say, it sounds like MTU's Hoster does the job a whole lot better than Sax-n-Dotty's show Presenter.

I just can't understand why they created a Keychange column if there isn't a way to use it!

Never having used Sax & Dollys I couldn't comment, but yes Hoster does do all that!

Author:  Zonerc [ Fri May 22, 2009 2:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving Song Parameters

tonybee808 when you selct your track and input the singers name are you changing the key on the same window as the name input or are you doing it on the player side above your queue of names?
It needs to be input at the same time as the name ,then once its been played it saves to history including the keychange ,just doublechecked here to be 100% sure before posting.

Author:  tonybee808 [ Sat May 23, 2009 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Saving Song Parameters

Thanks Zonerc.
I have sorted it with your advice.
It seems that I have had the "Do not prompt for performer name (Use Default)" button ticked/checked on the Options Screen and this skips the screen that allows you to change the Key.

Would anybody be listening if I had another moan about the absence of a User's Manual?

Thanks again

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