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when is supercore 2009 released???
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Author:  Marble [ Thu May 21, 2009 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  when is supercore 2009 released???

I've just brought a load of second hand discs and am looking to put together another set. . . but although I have alot of songs, i'm missing the modern hits. So can anyone advise when supercore 2009 will be released?

Author:  Michaelangelo1 [ Thu May 21, 2009 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: when is supercore 2009 released???

I don't believe Supercore 2008 was actually a set of modern hits per se, but more like a foundation set that was put together in 2008. Although it has a few newer songs, it is more like the "best of".

Personally, I already have my foundation. If I want a set of the latest songs, I will get a 50 or 100 pack of 2008 songs from Chartbuster.

On Ebay you can find reputable dealers offering the Chartbuster 6 cdg sets of 100 songs for around $60.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Thu May 21, 2009 11:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: when is supercore 2009 released???

I have to agree with Michaelangelo1. As much as I love SuperCore, the 2008 set is way more than 50% dupes of previous discs.

You might do better with Chartbuster, Zoom, or Panorama

Author:  Lonman [ Thu May 21, 2009 11:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: when is supercore 2009 released???

They rerelease it every year, taking some off & adding some newer hits. Usually you can find just the recent additions for the new year in a small package just giving the new additions added. Unless they changed the way they are doing things.

Author:  Marble [ Thu May 21, 2009 4:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: when is supercore 2009 released???

The disks I've brought, are strangely a really good buy for someone who is topping up a basic foundation of well sung songs. Looking through the list, I'm missing a lot of the classics and a lot of the modern numbers. CB would be an excellent buy, but in the UK most of the artists are unheard of. As for ZM, and Sunfy which is the English equivalent the majority of the songs they are releasing are left unsung. . . Apart from the odd major song eg Valerie of which it would be cheaper for me to custom burn the required new hits (off the top of my head I need Valerie and about 10 others which probably won't be sung but will be needed to look like effort was made :lol: ) The supercore collection would fit in perfectly with my needs, unless it's not released for another six months :P

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