rlbeck66 @ Mon Jul 13, 2009 2:00 pm wrote:
Thanks for all the feedback, I think I am going to take my laptop back to Staples and see what they can figure out. I did purchase the extended warrenty for a reason. One of my friends it could be the Sax & Dotty program itself that is causing this, possibly a glitch. Would anyone know if this could be it. Thanks.
I don't think it is Sax N Dotty,Sax N dotty uses winamp to play the music and a plugin to display the lyrics...Winamp is a rock solid program.
As suggested above I would look to see what other processes (programs) are running at the time. Turn all wireless devices (WLAN) off. Disable any anti virus programs running...etc. etc. Make sure your external HD is plugged in directly to the laptop and not through a hub.
Your laptop should be set up and optimized for audio playback. I don't have the link handy but Karyoker has posted it several times in the past...you could pm him for the link. It used to be free, but now I think they want a small membership fee.
I saved all of the optimization tips in a word.doc, just can find it at the moment, if I do I will send it to you.
I doubt that Staples will have any clue as to what is going on...sorry to tell you that.