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Author:  karyoker [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 11:27 am ]
Post subject:  Virus

The virus totally takes over and replaces your background with a virus warning. You have no control whatsoever. If you can bootup in safe mode and restore that does it but I would rec doing a complete installation. Another reason for not using your show computer for internet. I just restored a freinds show comp but I got the same thing on my home PC and I couldnt even go back to a restore point. Had to totally reinstall.

BTW I'm working with ECAD progs now and initial reviews from software manus about Windows 7 is favorable They say the graphics are better but I'll stick with XP for quite awhile....

Author:  fsapienjr [ Sat Jun 13, 2009 12:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Virus

You get these particular Virus when you go to an anit-virus site, usually to do a free scan, like STOP SIGN, or you click on the "Your Computer May Be At RisK" pop up that appears, and looks like an actual microsoft message. It isn't. Their app is the virus. I believe I remember how I got it off. I used my Norton to identify the file in question. It is a windows *.dll. in your C:|windows\system32 directory. I don't remeber the exact name, it was like win32***.DLL.

You can't delete it, even in Safe Mode. You have to go into Safe Mode, rename the file, then reboot into Safe Mode again. You should now be able to delete it.

Hope this helps.
Felix the KJ

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