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Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce
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Author:  MikeHL [ Tue Jun 16, 2009 11:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

Hi, everyone. Are there any relatively well-known songs by major artists that either haven't been produced by one of the major karaoke manufacturers, or were butchered and that you'd like to hear done better?

I ask this because of my favorite record from one of my favorite artists. "Do I Do", by Stevie Wonder. It was from 1982, which means I'm just barely old enough to remember it from back then. It was a pretty successful single for him with a lot of interesting things going on musically -- Dizzy Gillespie contributing trumpet, lots of good rhythm guitar and some of the best bass playing you'll hear this side of Bootsy Collins or Larry Graham. It's also more than 10 minutes long, but that's neither here nor there. 8) This record will DEFINITELY get you moving. Ja Rule liked it enough to re-work it into "Livin' It Up", which was a hit for him in 2001 or so.

However, only one company has produced a karaoke rendition of "Do I Do". That company made the song unrecognizable -- they arranged it as a smooth jazz record instead of an R&B dance record. (It actually pissed me off enough that I left a scathing review on Amazon of the CD that it's on.)

I KNOW there are other songs such as this that come to your minds. What are they? I'm curious.

Author:  oneofakind864 [ Fri Jun 19, 2009 11:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

there isn't a single good version if Stevies "Don't you worry bout a thing" either!

I have 2 versions of "and I am telling you" the sounchoice has better instrumentation- but they missed it with the synchopated parts...pocket songs nailed the timing...but th arrangement sucks! 1980's karaoke at it's worst...But I still use the PS version because the timing it right. I'd love a version that had BOTH orchestration AND the right timing!

Any of the jazz stuff from either one of Queen Latifahs 2 albums "the dana owens album" or "travelin light"

Also LOVE LOVE LOVE "Ledisi's" song "Blues in the night" from the "we love ella tribute album"

I'd kill for a version of Moondance that DOESN;T have the loooooooong solo in the middle(that i feel like a putz the entire time it's playing!)

Randi Crawford and the crusaders STREETLIFE! Why the HELL isnt this one out there?

I'm sure I can think of a bunch more but that's what I have off the top of my head( cuz I've been trying to find them for YEARS! ) If you or anyone one here knows where this stuff is. PLEASE let me know!

Author:  Big Marc [ Sat Jun 20, 2009 1:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

Why isn't something out there besides "Hook" and "Run Around"?

Author:  MikeHL [ Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

STREET LIFE!!! What a great song that is. Yes, that's an excellent target. I would LOVE to find that. Hell, I'd SING it if I could find it.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Sun Jun 21, 2009 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

Journey's "After all These Years" and "Turn Down The World Tonight"
Okay they aren't well known but the Artist is and these are the best songs off of their latest album.

Author:  SingyThingy [ Thu Jun 25, 2009 9:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

Street Life is available on Protrax,Mr Entertainer,and a couple of other brands according to kjpro...great song!

I would love to see a GOOD version of Somebody Elses Guy by Jocelyn Brown and/or Joyce Sms All And All.(Sunfly has both,but the versions are terrible)Ditto the dance classic Rozalla-Everybody's Free(the sf version has a too-loud vocal attempt to mimic an effect that just ruins the track and misses out a lot.)

Janet Kay-Silly Games was a number one hit yet no karaoke version exists.
I'd love a version of that song.

Author:  KarenB [ Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

SBI has Somebody Else's Guy as a download. Don't know the song so I can't tell you if it's any good, but I've been happy with most of what I've gotten from them.

Author:  Jiu Jitsu Jon [ Thu Jun 25, 2009 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

More stuff by Rick Ross, also The Game.

Author:  SingyThingy [ Sun Jul 19, 2009 10:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

Thanks for letting me know about the SBI version of the track I mentioned, KarenB, I will check it out :D

Author:  MikeHL [ Mon Jul 20, 2009 6:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

TY Singy for suggesting I look for "Street Life" outside of the major American manufacturers. For some reason, it never occurred to me to do that :withstupid: ...even though I had to do that to finally track down "Who Are You" by the Who in its full length, with all 3 verses, instead of what all the other companies did -- produce the single edit.

Also, I cannot remember who it was, but TY also to whomever PM'ed me and sent me an MP3-only copy of the song as a preview of sorts. For obvious reasons, I don't know which manufacturer it was, but it may have been (I'm guessing) Mr. Entertainer.

It got me looking for other companies' arrangements of the song. SBI produced it as well, and I have some songs of theirs, the arrangements to all of which I liked. (The aforementioned "Who Are You" is one of those.) :) No exception with "Street Life". SBI did it VERY well. I have since deleted the MP3-only and bought it outright, directly from SBI. Oneofakind, if you should see this message, you should buy it too!

-- Mike

Author:  ok What Now [ Tue Jul 21, 2009 3:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

(I'd kill for a version of Moondance that DOESN;T have the loooooooong solo in the middle(that i feel like a putz the entire time it's playing!)

have you thought about doing an edit on that song and cut out most of the solo? altho you would lose the lyrics but betting you don't need them anyway...i've done that on a few of my songs....Billy

Author:  codybaba [ Thu Jul 30, 2009 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

Harry Connick JR "Please come home for Christmas. It's on his "What a Night" CD.

Sure would like a copy CD of that song......

Anyone have one, I will make it worth your while as I need this to get ready for Christmas......


Author:  missbipbip [ Thu Jul 30, 2009 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Well-known songs by major artists you'd like someone to produce

Big Marc @ Sat Jun 20, 2009 4:50 pm wrote:
Why isn't something out there besides "Hook" and "Run Around"?

There are a few more out there...Chartbuster 4222 has "But Anyway", "Canadian Rose", "Most Precarious", and "Optomistic Thought". Also, Pocket Songs made a version of "Imagine". The Chartbuster versions are pretty good on Blues Traveler, IMO, but I haven't heard the Pocket Songs version of "Imagine".

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