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Lexicon MX300 & MX400 fx query
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Author:  gunghouk [ Mon Jun 22, 2009 5:18 am ]
Post subject:  Lexicon MX300 & MX400 fx query

Hi I have a question regarding the master wet/dry setting on these units.

I've seen in the manuals how the wet/dry ratio for each of the 2 effects engines can be set individually but can't see a master wet/dry parameter anywhere.

The digitized dry output will be delayed by 3.7mS @ 48kHz relative to the input causing weird out of phase effects when mixed back in with the original signal in the mixer.

My TC Electronic unit has a global mix setting which is set to 100% wet and the levels of the 2 effects engines can be set individually and stored with that patch/combination.

Thanks for any enlightenment :)

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Mon Jun 22, 2009 7:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Lexicon MX300 & MX400 fx query

On the 400 at least, I am not aware of a global setting. I agree with you that this would be a nice option. If there is one I haven't found, I hope someone posts it. I have never had reason to complain about the delay digital FX processors add to the dry portion of the signal anyway. I like a little bit of delay on vox.

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