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Went to a very good Karaoke show last night
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Author:  stogie [ Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Went to a very good Karaoke show last night

Topher invited me to come to his show in St. Petersburg, FL so my wife and I went last night after going to an Elvis tribute show. I'm very glad I went. I learned something. We also had a great time.

It was great watching someone who REALLY knows what they're doing!
I've hosted at some VFWs and a couple of other places, Topher has been doing this for 5 years and it shows. It's funny, some people watch a KJ and they think it's easy-IT'S NOT EASY. It takes skills and knowledge. I've seen other KJs who have been doing it for several years and they were boring and their shows were boring.

Watching his high energy show totally changed my mind about how a Karaoke show should be run. Now this won't work everywhere, but it worked really well at that bar and showed me another way of doing things that I was totally against before seeing how he did it. In between singers he played great music not just as filler, but sometimes the whole song. People at the bar were loving it. This was a younger crowd than what I usually play to and a larger bar than what I usually get to perform at with lots of people. To do a good job you need to be on top of your game and he was.

I was watching the crowd the whole time I was there and the entertainment value of that show was very high. I could see how someone who is really into Karaoke might go to another show, but what I saw was that the people who were there had a great time and enjoyed themselves and to me that's the bottom line. It seems that if you do it well, there is more than one way of doing things.

Respect and mad props to Topher!!! Great show!

Author:  TopherM [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 6:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Went to a very good Karaoke show last night

Thanks for the compliments, Ronnie, and it was good to meet you!!

Author:  mrdelicious2 [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 7:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Went to a very good Karaoke show last night

".....that I was totally against before seeing how he did it."

That is great to hear from a seasoned vet! It's all about the expierence and NOT the strict rotation and concrete rules that will make sure you sing the song exactly how it should be done. Provide Entertainment and what the crowd wants! Keep it rockin'.........MrD

Author:  Babs [ Mon Jun 29, 2009 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Went to a very good Karaoke show last night

Respect and mad props to Topher!!! Great show!

Way to go Topher !

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