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Direct 3-D ???
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Author:  stogie [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 9:01 am ]
Post subject:  Direct 3-D ???

I tried to help a friend of mine to use his laptop for karaoke at home. He wants to practice. I told him about Karafun and he downloaded it, but when he tries to run it he gets an error message saying that his computer doesn't support Direct 3-D so Karafun can't render graphics. I downloaded and updated his Direct X etc. and his laptop is an XP machine only about 2 years old. Id like to help him get this figured out. He's a disabled Veteran and he needs this.

Any ideas?

Author:  Michaelangelo1 [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Direct 3-D ???

I see you updated direct X, but did you also update the display drivers? It is possible it needs the latest display drivers in addition to the direct x updates.

Test your drivers using DXDiag:

Click Start / Run / type: DXDIAG Click the "Test" buttons in the Display, Sound, Music & Network Tabs;If any of the Display options are Disabled and you cannot Enable them,
your most likely solution would be to update your Chipset Drivers as needed.

Author:  stogie [ Thu Jul 16, 2009 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Direct 3-D ???

Ok, that's something I didn't think of. I'll let hum know and see if he's able to do that himself or if I need to help him with it.

I know his XP is updated because I checked windows update.

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