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NL4 speakon behringer EP2500
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Author:  Zonerc [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:28 pm ]
Post subject:  NL4 speakon behringer EP2500

Tried looking round but dont seem to be able to find an answer I have the behringer EP2500 and the EV SX300 speakers now the EV's have NL4 speakons im currently using normal 2 pole connector but wondering if NL4's can be connected to the EP2500 and secondly would they make much differance ?
Just as a side queston would you say the amp is a good enough match for the speakers ,they sound great with no probs ,like i say just a side queston.
Thanks in advance.

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NL4 speakon behringer EP2500

That amp is a reasonable match for those speakers in stereo mode or with both in parallel off one side of the amp. Don't worry about the connectors, what you're doing is fine. Do pay attention to the gauge of your speaker cable and if it is excessively long. If you parallel the speakers off one side of the amp (or bridge) I would use a 12ga cable or larger.

Author:  Zonerc [ Tue Aug 04, 2009 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NL4 speakon behringer EP2500

only ever run them in stereo up to now one speaker per side ,I thought i had read something somewhere that if using a crossover ,i have the DBX PA that with the four cable you could adjust between the high and lows,but hey ive read that much over the last year that I could be very much mistaken lol.

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