You're gonna need more than just a ripping program and a hosting program to do this. You'll need a songbook program as well.
MTU Video Hoster- does it all
Compuhost, CDGRip & FAst Tracks (what I use)
RoxBox (winamp frontend)- has everything as well including a wtered down winamp -
Karma/ PCDJ KJPro - just plays the files - some else can give you latshaw's website.
Siglos Professional- plays files has separate programs to rip and list your songs.
Try each demo and decide which you want to use.
Your establishment being the bar, you might want to include a kiosk or computerized song books.
chip can give you his program's website - advantage is you can eliminate paper altogether as it works with your hosting computer connected to it and if you use Hoster or Sax & Dottys you can use this one.
I use digitalsearch system for my digital search station. Only advantage over chip's software is that your singers can look through songs they have done before, no more coming up to ask you what they sang last week. This only works with Compuhost.