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Kareaoke Softwares whats best?
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Author:  thenewplace [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 3:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Kareaoke Softwares whats best?

I co own a bar in KS with my dad we had a manager that ran the place and was the kj but he moved on and without a second thought we knew it was then time to go digital. I have over 7 years of expirance in stage lighting and sound design so I got all the hardware configured, bought or ordered that was the easy part.

Now I am doing online searches for a software or hosting programs. What I would really like is a place that I could pay a monthly subscribtion to and get downloads or be able to log on and run a session as they host. IS THIS POSSIBLE????? Or am I just thinking ahead of the times. SECOND QUESTION is that is not possible what IS a REALISTICLY priced software that is easy to use that will allow me to rip cdgs to my hd while i keep the cdgs as a Back Up in case of corruption? Oh by the way I need this up asap the crowds are getting restless and I don't think I can get them drunk enough to forget about the Karaoke!!!!!

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kareaoke Softwares whats best?

Well expect to take time to rip all the discs to the computer to begin with. Once done, it's worth the time spent.

There are several programs out, you might want to download demos & decide for yourself which is going to be the best for you. Some have all the bells & whistles that IMO clutter up the user friendlness, others are simply straight players nothing more nothing less. Other manage rotation - so to speak, haven't really found one that I like and use a manual method anyway. I use MTU Hoster personally, out of the ones i've tested, it works best for my needs. I like that fact that it has a songbook maker built in, rips your discs without the needs of any external program (the files can only be used on Hoster & another that i'm aware of) also uses most dvd drives that are already built into most computers. It has video ability & the ability to play customer discs on the fly without actually having to rip them to the computer which isn't legal. Is it the best program, that's subject to opinion. I feel it's definitely worth the money.

Also look into Compuhost, Roxbox, Sax & Dolly's, Siglos Pro - even WinAmp (which is free).
I'm not big on downloads so won't recommend that, but there are subscriptions you can buy for monthly new releases on disc through Chartbuster & Pop Hits Monthly and probably a few more than that as well, not sure. The PHM even has the mp3g disc option so the files are already computer ready, you just need to transfer them to your hard drive without needing to actually take the time to rip the discs.

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kareaoke Softwares whats best?

You're gonna need more than just a ripping program and a hosting program to do this. You'll need a songbook program as well.

MTU Video Hoster- does it all www.mtu.com
Compuhost, CDGRip & FAst Tracks www.kjtools.com (what I use)
RoxBox (winamp frontend)- has everything as well including a wtered down winamp - www.kjamp.com
Karma/ PCDJ KJPro - just plays the files - www.pcdj.com some else can give you latshaw's website.
Siglos Professional- plays files has separate programs to rip and list your songs. www.powerkaraoke.com

Try each demo and decide which you want to use.

Your establishment being the bar, you might want to include a kiosk or computerized song books.

chip can give you his program's website - advantage is you can eliminate paper altogether as it works with your hosting computer connected to it and if you use Hoster or Sax & Dottys you can use this one.

I use digitalsearch system www.digitalsearchsystems.yolasite.com for my digital search station. Only advantage over chip's software is that your singers can look through songs they have done before, no more coming up to ask you what they sang last week. This only works with Compuhost.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 4:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kareaoke Softwares whats best?

DannyG2006 @ Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:02 pm wrote:
I use digitalsearch system www.digitalsearchsystems.yolasite.com for my digital search station. Only advantage over chip's software is that your singers can look through songs they have done before, no more coming up to ask you what they sang last week.

This one only works with Compuhost correct? While Chips will work as a standalone system.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kareaoke Softwares whats best?

I use CompuHost. I used MTU Hoster for a while and have tried most of the major ones (Karma excepted). I have been to 250 different karaoke shows and seen lots of packages.

I find CompuHost to be the best for running a show. The scrolling marquee is a great thing.

You can get a decent ripping program at the same place you buy it and FastTracks, the songbook program. All in all, I believe it is the way to go.

As far as getting music, you can get legal download subscriptions but probably not in the way you think. I recommend buying the Sound Choice Foundation, some Chartbuster country packs if you are in the country, and then downloading songs from tricerasoft.com as they get requested. For a monthly update, well worth it if you are running lots of shows a month, you can look at Pop Hits or Chartbuster.

Author:  knightshow [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 6:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kareaoke Softwares whats best?

winamp with the cdg window and pacemaker works just fine without any other front end.

clubdjpro has two players, and one that's for dj music. I personally prefer this over any other software out there strictly for playing karaoke... doesn't have the hoster kind of program, and that's exactly what I wanted. Before that, and for home use currently, I still love just the winamp!

There are several programs out there that play karaoke. Many of us on here like certain ones, so by all means, don't think of these as definative lists!!!

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Mon Aug 10, 2009 8:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Kareaoke Softwares whats best?

Lonman @ Mon Aug 10, 2009 7:17 pm wrote:
DannyG2006 @ Mon Aug 10, 2009 5:02 pm wrote:
I use digitalsearch system www.digitalsearchsystems.yolasite.com for my digital search station. Only advantage over chip's software is that your singers can look through songs they have done before, no more coming up to ask you what they sang last week.

This one only works with Compuhost correct? While Chips will work as a standalone system.

Chips works with several programs while the one I use is tailor made for Compuhost.

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