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JVC triple tray not reading discs?
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Author:  rlbeck66 [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 12:52 pm ]
Post subject:  JVC triple tray not reading discs?

I have a JVC xl-mv 303 triple tray player that will load a disc but then will eject it. Its like it is not reading my disc. Does anyone have a solution for this? I'm also trying to decide between 2 PA Packages: Peavey XR 8600/PR 15 package and Yamaha EMX312SC-BR12 package. I don't do a whole lot of big venues, just small bars and clubs with usually no more than 50-80 people. Thanks for any help.

Author:  angel910 [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: JVC triple tray not reading discs?

Have you tried more than one disc?

Question: Does that player have more than one laser eye, one for each tray?

Author:  Tarzan [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: JVC triple tray not reading discs?


angel is rite.. try a different (even NEW) disc in it... JVCs and the sister machine (RSQ I think) are definately not forgiving when it comes to discs... cdgs that would refuse to play in a house unit worked like new in my Pioneer.

If it dosen't work, try one of those laser lens cleaner discs.

If it still dosen't play, try opening it up and gently cleaning the lens with a lint-free cotton swab and a laser lens cleaning solution.

STILL no good... time for service or replacement.

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: JVC triple tray not reading discs?

angel, there's only one laser... so if the optics are given a cleaning, it might work.

Could be dust built up on the inside where the tray moves the disc to. I'd recommend opening the sucker up and watch it try to read the disc without the case, and see ifyou can see the fault right away. A can o air can be a good friend too!

Author:  mckyj57 [ Thu Aug 13, 2009 6:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: JVC triple tray not reading discs?

rlbeck66 @ Thu Aug 13, 2009 3:52 pm wrote:
I'm also trying to decide between 2 PA Packages: Peavey XR 8600/PR 15 package and Yamaha EMX312SC-BR12 package. I don't do a whole lot of big venues, just small bars and clubs with usually no more than 50-80 people. Thanks for any help.

If you want light weight, go with the Peavey package

The EMX312 is a bit underpowered, and I have not heard good things about the BR12 speakers. Heavy, and don't sound great.

Personally, I would opt for an EMX512SC and PR-15 package. More power, enough to drive the Peavey speakers, and compression.

Author:  rlbeck66 [ Sun Aug 16, 2009 5:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: JVC triple tray not reading discs?

Thanks for all the input. I have already tried can of air, I'll try the cotton swab next and I also tried multiple discs. The laser cleaning disc even popped right back out. I was leaning towards the Peavey outfit Mckyj57 but I wasn't sure about durability. Like I said, I only play smaller venues maybe twice a month so I really don't need nothing fancy right now with limited funds. I have'nt seen a yamaha package with peavey speakers. I was leaning towards the packages on Guitar Center's website with the low monthly payments.

Author:  Sound Escape [ Sun Aug 16, 2009 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: JVC triple tray not reading discs?

Tarzan is right the JVC & the RSQ are the exact same player. JVC sold them to RSQ and RSQ put their label on it. I sold them when I worked for Prosing.
If it's kicking out the discs, it's has nothing to do with reading the disc, it's a mechanical problem. You need to take it in to be repaired.

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