Hi guys, here are a couple of website templates I made. They're quite professional looking and easy to configure. I was going to use them as a promotional tool for my new karaoke label, but having discovered that I'd have to compete with pirate manus, pirate distributors and a licencing agency who don't seem to want to bother with me, I'm giving up on the idea. Maybe I'll make the odd 1 or 2 as a hobby if I ever manage to find out how to licence downloads, but that'll be about it.
Anyway, enough rambling, here they are. If you have a decent text editor and know how to upload to your server, you'll be able to do it. I've used some php, so you simply edit the configuration file with your own info and off you go. Full instructions are included in the zip files. I hope someone finds them useful.
>>Blue Burst Template<<
>>Solar 1 Template<<
Demos here.