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GTD Audio- E-bay seller
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Author:  TOMMIE TUNES [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 8:19 am ]
Post subject:  GTD Audio- E-bay seller

Hi, I'm in the market for a dual wireless uhf microphone set for backup vocals. I already have 2 quality wireless mics for main vocals, a sennheiser and a shure sm-58 which work out quite well. I was going to purchase the shure PG-58 Dual Wireless because i have sang on them before and they are decent but a little pricey at about 550$ for the set . I'm also considering the AKG Dual vocal set for about 320$ because i have heard good things about that set, but at the moment they seem to be out of stock at most places. To make a long story short i see that an E-Bay seller named GTD-Audio has a nice looking dual 200 channel Tru-diversity set for 189.00$ and I'm Tempted to purchase them, but I'm afraid I'll be dissapointed in the quality even though they seem to have all the bells and whistles of a quality set. Does anyone here have opinions about this set or experience with this company GTD Audio? Thank You ! :?:

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: GTD Audio- E-bay seller

My partner bought the GTD mic set you're talking about a few months ago. One mic failed within the first few hours of use, but the company replaced it after they tried a few troubleshooting steps over the phone. They have worked fine for him since then, six days a week, at a rowdy bar where they are routinely abused. They seem to be durable.

As far as sound quality and RF go, I like the Vocopro stuff better. The GTD mics don't sound great, or even good, but they are passable for karaoke. I can hear a swoosh as the receiver switches from one antenna to the other at least a few times a night whenever I've gone to his show.

In short, I wouldn't use them myself, but I think they are a decent budget karaoke mic. I also think they're more durable than average budget wireless mics.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: GTD Audio- E-bay seller

TOMMIE TUNES @ Wed Aug 26, 2009 11:19 am wrote:
Hi, I'm in the market for a dual wireless uhf microphone set for backup vocals. I already have 2 quality wireless mics for main vocals, a sennheiser and a shure sm-58 which work out quite well. I was going to purchase the shure PG-58 Dual Wireless because i have sang on them before and they are decent but a little pricey at about 550$ for the set . I'm also considering the AKG Dual vocal set for about 320$ because i have heard good things about that set, but at the moment they seem to be out of stock at most places. To make a long story short i see that an E-Bay seller named GTD-Audio has a nice looking dual 200 channel Tru-diversity set for 189.00$ and I'm Tempted to purchase them, but I'm afraid I'll be dissapointed in the quality even though they seem to have all the bells and whistles of a quality set. Does anyone here have opinions about this set or experience with this company GTD Audio? Thank You ! :?:

I wouldn't do it. I bet you will be disappointed, especially since you know what good mics are.

I personally am not one who thinks "good enough for karaoke". I want top-quality stuff -- it makes the singers sound better, and since the singers are the show....

Author:  jeffsw6 [ Wed Aug 26, 2009 1:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: GTD Audio- E-bay seller

I got over wanting to use professional wireless mics for karaoke singers. I bought a mixer with two sweeps, a good dual FX processor, and a pair of headphones. This has been a much better investment for me than good hand-held wireless mics.

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