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Selling Pirated Music Goes Beyond KAraoke
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Author:  DJ DANGERUS [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Selling Pirated Music Goes Beyond KAraoke

Saw This on craigs list selling pirated music for $....

Music / Music Videos / Karaoke Hard Drives (New York City/Long Island)

Date: 2009-08-28, 9:39AM EDT
Reply to: sale-gqzvq-1346485189@craigslist.org [Errors when replying to ads?]


I could do transfers of Music / Music Videos / Karaoke.
Your external hard drive... My Ultimate Collection(s).

Bring your external 500 gb hard drive. I’ll fill it up with one of the following....

a ) 100,000 mp3's $199
b) 4,500 music videos (mp4's) $199
c) 40,000 karaoke songs with booklet plus 30,000 mp3's $199
d) 500 movies (DVD Rips) $199

From my EXCLUSIVE 500gb Library Collection. It takes up to 12 hours. Must drop off drive and pick ups with-in the next day.
Bring your 1 Terabyte Hard drive. I’ll fill it up with one of the following....

a) 100,000 mp3's / 4,500 mp4's $349
b) 130,00 mp3’s with 40,000 karaoke song with booklet $349
c) 7,500 mp4's (no logos) $349
d) 4500 mp4's / 100,000 mp3's $349
e) 40,000 karaoke / 30,000 mp3's and 4500 music videos $349

Each from my Ultimate 1 Terabyte Collections. It takes up to 24 hours. Must drop off drive and pick up with-in 2 days.
This collection would cost thousands of dollars and take hundreds of hours to put together. Now is your chance to get them all in one easy transaction. All files are high quality mp3s / mp4's / cd-g's.

Everything is organized and tagged from A-Z . By the titles, and artists.
The bit rate for mp3's mostly is 224-320, although there are some that are 128-224. Same for cd-g's.
The resolution for mp4's are of the highest setting 640 by 480.

*** I have 500 gigabyte hard drives (brand new) * an extra $100 ***
** I have 1 terabyte hard drives (brand new) * an extra $150 **
* I have 1.5 terabyte hard drives (brand new seagate) * an extra $200 *

Author:  jerry12x [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 2:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Selling Pirated Music Goes Beyond KAraoke

That is terrible.
Too expensive by far.
I have seen cheaper.

Sorry mate.
Think I got used to that before you.

Author:  karyoker [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Selling Pirated Music Goes Beyond KAraoke

Sadly the only thing that would spark the attention of those with the authority to bust him is if the videos contain porn..

Author:  jerry12x [ Fri Aug 28, 2009 3:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Selling Pirated Music Goes Beyond KAraoke

Very sadly...
I don't even think that would do it.
The world has gone mad.

Author:  Sonick [ Sat Aug 29, 2009 9:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Selling Pirated Music Goes Beyond KAraoke

... pathetic ...

Author:  loumar [ Thu Sep 03, 2009 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Selling Pirated Music Goes Beyond KAraoke

I figured this was going on. Somebody's always trying to use the internet as a con job.

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