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New system build: RSQ HD-787 Anyone familiar with it yet?
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Author:  Chris G [ Tue Sep 01, 2009 10:05 am ]
Post subject:  New system build: RSQ HD-787 Anyone familiar with it yet?

I've been using the club's system for a year now and thinking about getting my own system.

I already have my sound system from many years of DJ'ing (passive Mackie tops, subs, Yorkville and QSC amps) and I have chosen a Mackie DFX-12 mixer for karaoke (the exra inputs will be used for other applications).

I am deciding on a player. I like the Unify Karaoke jukebox that my employer has been using. I would like to use something like this for my personal build. The only thing close to it that I can find is the RSQ HD 787, and another similar unit by "Acesonics"?

Does anyone have any experience with the RSQ? Could you share the good and bad?

Since I don't have my own library yet, I figured that I could save some money by filling it up with Neo+G "mega-packs" at 70.00 a pop, and other CD+G ones such as Soundcore. Then filling in the holes as I go.

Any words of advice?

Author:  TopherM [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New system build: RSQ HD-787 Anyone familiar with it yet?

Looks like that thing has a retail price of $849.99. For a little less than that price, you could go completely digital with a laptop, which would be alot more user-friendly and have alot more state-of-the-art karaoke features (laptop+CompuHost).

Author:  DannyG2006 [ Wed Sep 02, 2009 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New system build: RSQ HD-787 Anyone familiar with it yet?

I echo tpher's comments. By the time you enter the numbers into the unit fior just one song, you could have several songs already loaded in the que.

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