Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

SC Custom CDG Site
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Author:  classickaraoke [ Mon Sep 14, 2009 7:45 am ]
Post subject:  SC Custom CDG Site

"In order to serve you better we are in the process of upgrading our website. We apologize for any inconvenience and hope to be back soon! "

Ha ha ha ha ha!

Sorry, my warped sense of humo(u)r


Author:  GT [ Mon Sep 14, 2009 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: SC Custom CDG Site

For those people wanting to know all about the changes

Here is part of an email that was sent to me by the new owners of sunfly australia.


ProBurn Custom CD+G Changes + Sound Choice Range on CD+G

Sadly the entire range of Sound Choice songs have been removed permanently with immediate effect from the ProBurn custom facility as they have lost the license to produce the songs.

There has been many changes in the USA where Sound Choice is based and you will find that many of the discs in there range are being deleted, we are trying to keep up to date with these daily stock changes, I can only suggest that if you are after Sound Choice CD+G discs that you purchase them sooner than later to avoid disappointment as many of them have been deleted worldwide because of these changes with licensing.


For more information

refer to my thread
SOUND CHOICE TITLES - No Longer Available at Proburncdg.com

I have POSTED updated information that includes a copy of an email that was sent to me from the new owners of Sunfly Australia.

In this email they not only talk about the closure of sunfly in perth australia, but also talk about the worldwide removal of the sound choice titles.

This information is also posted in the thread
UPDATE - Closing of Sunfly Australia - MUST READ

I have been working hard at finding out about all these changes for everyone.


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