BruceFan4Life @ Fri Sep 18, 2009 9:48 am wrote:
I think that children are adorable. I also think that children DO NOT belong in a bar where alcohol is being served. I go to karaoke to be around other adults having a good time singing songs. I don't go out to bar to watch children try to sing some Jonas Brothers song that they barely know, while mommy takes video of their little darlings. I think those parents should hire a KJ for junior's Birthday party and let the kids go karaoke krazy. If I were to be invited to a birthday party like that, I would enjoy the little darlings as much as anyone else. There is a time and place for everything.
I'm in complete agreement. I quit going to the bars that permit children to screech Karaoke. Luckily there aren't many left that permit them in my area anymore and their numbers are dwindling, thank goodness. Another reason I get ticked when some mommy says to me or someone in my group, "please watch your language around these children".
For crying out loud lady, take them home or to Chuck Cheese but get them out of an adult entainment facilkity already. I too love the littledarlings but not in an adults place for entertainment. Some folks just don't get it.