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Question on (daisy chaining)
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Author:  srnitynow [ Wed Sep 23, 2009 7:57 am ]
Post subject:  Question on (daisy chaining)

I just purchased 2 JBL EON10 G2's, so I can work small venues (corner bars, etc), I already have the EON15 G2's that I've been using. If I wanted to do a BIG venue, and daisy chain the 10's with the 15's, would that deminish my 15's, or would that mean that as long as I have them set the same that the signal would push them at the same level of their capacity? I hope my question makes sense, if not, let me know. Also, if I were going to use 1 of them as a monitor, would you suggest hooking it to the earphone jack, or the monitor out? I'm sure I will have more questions, but this is enough to start with.

Sidenote: My mixer is a Mackie Profx 12. I am computer based.


Author:  karyoker [ Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Question on (daisy chaining)

I have the same setup and use the 10 for fill, piping sound into another area or room and the main purpose is a monitor all daisy chaining. . Sometimes I use the Mon send. Those lil guys will blow your mind everytime you listen to them.

Author:  Lonman [ Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Question on (daisy chaining)

srnitynow @ Wed Sep 23, 2009 8:57 am wrote:
I just purchased 2 JBL EON10 G2's, so I can work small venues (corner bars, etc), I already have the EON15 G2's that I've been using. If I wanted to do a BIG venue, and daisy chain the 10's with the 15's, would that deminish my 15's, or would that mean that as long as I have them set the same that the signal would push them at the same level of their capacity? I hope my question makes sense, if not, let me know. Also, if I were going to use 1 of them as a monitor, would you suggest hooking it to the earphone jack, or the monitor out? I'm sure I will have more questions, but this is enough to start with.

Sidenote: My mixer is a Mackie Profx 12. I am computer based.


You could do that. I wouldn't try running in stereo, using the 15's on one channel & the 10's maybe in the back of the room on a separate channel so you can control that section individually.
For monitors, use the monitor out.

Author:  Moonrider [ Wed Sep 23, 2009 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Question on (daisy chaining)

srnitynow @ Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:57 am wrote:
I just purchased 2 JBL EON10 G2's, so I can work small venues (corner bars, etc), I already have the EON15 G2's that I've been using. If I wanted to do a BIG venue, and daisy chain the 10's with the 15's, would that deminish my 15's

You'll be fine daisy-chaining the EONs. One huge advantage of powered speakers is not having to worry about impedance matching multiple speaker setups. I would probably do it pairs of 15 & 10 on each channel

srnitynow @ Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:57 am wrote:
Also, if I were going to use 1 of them as a monitor, would you suggest hooking it to the earphone jack, or the monitor out?

I'd use the monitor out. The whole idea of a monitor mix is that it's an entirely separate mix tailored to what the performer needs or wants to hear. This usually is completely different from what sounds good through the main house mix - different EQ, different FX levels, and different volume levels for the mix elements, all tailored to help the performer give the best they can.

Author:  karyoker [ Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Question on (daisy chaining)

Remember as much as 6DB at bass freqs can be gained from putting a speaker in a corner. Speakers on the opposite end can be "inconspicus" in corners. Placement can be critical.


Author:  angel910 [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Question on (daisy chaining)

karyoker @ Wed Sep 23, 2009 10:42 am wrote:
Remember as much as 6DB at bass freqs can be gained from putting a speaker in a corner. Speakers on the opposite end can be "inconspicus" in corners. Placement can be critical.


Did you read the part about the use of one or two subs? :angel:

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