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Was I robbed?
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Author:  scarrybarry [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:47 am ]
Post subject:  Was I robbed?

Hi All, Last night I brought my own disk to a karaoke show. The kj did not have that particular song. After my turn was over it took him a minute to get my disc out of his laptop. During that minute he was clicking and scrolling around.
Question! Did he download my disc? Is that possible?

Author:  jerry12x [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

You will probably find out next time you go to that karaoke.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

Sounds like it. After a song is over, there is no reason the delay is any longer than a standard DVD drive to open after hitting eject.
Yes it's possible & the way you describe, sounds probable. These are the hosts that give computer users a bad rep!

Author:  eben [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

However, if he wanted the music ripped, wouldn't he do it before you started to sing? That's what I would do during the previous person's song so that I would have it queued up when you got up to sing. Maybe he didn't have time to do it while you were singing. Hmm, a curious situation.

Author:  jr2423 [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

I attend a friend’s show on occasion. He uses MTU Hoster. I usually bring him my discs to sing from. He tells me hoster will download the selection, play it then dump it when the song is done playing. I don't usually wait for immediate return of my disc so I haven't really confirmed the process for myself.

Is this how it works? I figured the Hoster users here would know.

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

jr2423 @ Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:23 pm wrote:
I attend a friend’s show on occasion. He uses MTU Hoster. I usually bring him my discs to sing from. He tells me hoster will download the selection, play it then dump it when the song is done playing. I don't usually wait for immediate return of my disc so I haven't really confirmed the process for myself.

Is this how it works? I figured the Hoster users here would know.

Yes it will drop it to a temp file for playback & deletes after played.

Author:  jerry12x [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

Lonman @ Thu Sep 24, 2009 8:27 pm wrote:
Yes it will drop it to a temp file for playback & deletes after played.

One thing I used to like about winamp was the ability to restart the song straight away on the odd occasion the singer requested it.

Author:  c. staley [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 12:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

Lonman @ Thu Sep 24, 2009 6:27 pm wrote:
jr2423 @ Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:23 pm wrote:
I attend a friend’s show on occasion. He uses MTU Hoster. I usually bring him my discs to sing from. He tells me hoster will download the selection, play it then dump it when the song is done playing. I don't usually wait for immediate return of my disc so I haven't really confirmed the process for myself.

Is this how it works? I figured the Hoster users here would know.

Yes it will drop it to a temp file for playback & deletes after played.

I do hate to disagree with you Lonman, however hoster does NOT actively "delete" the song after playing it. It simply overwrites the data as soon as you press "play" for the next song.... a passive method of deletion.

If you know where to look, and what you're looking for, you can save the two files it uses to play (one is a .cdg file and the other is the audio) and reassemble the song at a later time with something as simple as cdgtoolz.

But, to avoid the entire hassle, none of my systems even has a cdrom drive installed, they all have a seperate disc player for those that bring their own discs.

Author:  Karen K [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:08 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

I would never try and "reassemble" someone else's stuff (I am a Hoster user). I even have people BEGGING me to please upload their discs so they don't have to carry them in every time they come and sing. Sorry, I say, isn't my music so I can't have it on my computer.

I suppose if a person was so motivated that they would spend the time and learn the method to reassemble a deleted file. Not my thing. Not enough time in the day to do that. (Of course I dare say, those persons wouldn't worry about being so 'illegitimate' anyway and have another drive sitting there to copy singers' music.)

Rotten thieves that do this and really screw up the entire computer generated show hosts' reputations.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 1:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

It does mess with reputations. We are strictly disc but have a lap top there for the transition music and to quickly access the song data base in case a singer writes down the worng number or we need to make a substitution, etc. There is no karaoke music on it whatsoever.

Once a couple came in and wanted to use their own discs. Our usual procedure is to get the next singer going and then put the personal disc in a jewel case and take it back to it's owner. This couple would stand on the stage, not even looking at us but with their hand out and not leave until we gave them their disc. We think they were suspicious of us because of the computer.

Author:  c. staley [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

Karen K said:
I would never try and "reassemble" someone else's stuff (I am a Hoster user). I even have people BEGGING me to please upload their discs so they don't have to carry them in every time they come and sing. Sorry, I say, isn't my music so I can't have it on my computer.

Then if it would be so "convenient" for them, why don't they just give you the disc to keep and add to your library?

And Karen K said:

I suppose if a person was so motivated that they would spend the time and learn the method to reassemble a deleted file. Not my thing. Not enough time in the day to do that. (Of course I dare say, those persons wouldn't worry about being so 'illegitimate' anyway and have another drive sitting there to copy singers' music.)

Nice thinly-veiled accusation there.

Karen, I am a programmer and just because I have the knowledge of the mechanics involved in Hoster's program. (especially since I wrote the program code that is used in Hoster to make your songbooks), doesn't mean that I'm "so motivated" as you put it. You know how to copy a disc I'm sure, but that doesn't mean that I automatically think you are copying discs.

The statement was made that Hoster "deletes temporary files" when in fact, it does not.

And to clear up the matter once again, no I don't "reassemble" anything.

Author:  Karen K [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 2:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

Woah woah woah, Mr. Staley. I am not making thinly veiled accusations or insults here aimed at ANYONE, let alone you. All I'm saying is if a person is so inclined to do whatever they know how to or want to to get music for free from others that is certainly their choice. Not saying you do it ... geesh, did I say that? (ASSUME, remember?)

I don't load people's music on my computer for one reason - I don't own it, I don't have it on my computer. Simple. No need to panic then if some bogus inspector comes around to examine my hard copies. This Lucy won't have no 'splainin' to do.

I don't expect anyone to have to read too hard in to what I'm saying here. Try to make it clear and concise and I don't point fingers - too many pointing back. Sorry that you took my post as a direct personal insult. Relax and take a deep breath. :roll:

Author:  rumbolt [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

leopard lizard @ Thu Sep 24, 2009 4:18 pm wrote:
It does mess with reputations. We are strictly disc but have a lap top there for the transition music and to quickly access the song data base in case a singer writes down the worng number or we need to make a substitution, etc. There is no karaoke music on it whatsoever.

Once a couple came in and wanted to use their own discs. Our usual procedure is to get the next singer going and then put the personal disc in a jewel case and take it back to it's owner. This couple would stand on the stage, not even looking at us but with their hand out and not leave until we gave them their disc. We think they were suspicious of us because of the computer.

I too am disc based and the singers that bring their own disc wait right after the finish singing to retreive their disc. I know they are not concerned about copying just protective of their property as am I when I visit another show. Just normal to me.

Author:  jerry12x [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

Get real guys.
On the singers forum there has just beena $40 a year download adverrtised of any karaoke.For a whole year.
No on is interested in doing a single disk

Author:  Karen K [ Thu Sep 24, 2009 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Was I robbed?

Probably most hosts aren't interested in doing it but the owners of the discs, who probably paid more than they should have, aren't interested in someone picking up their music for free. Just a matter of perspective here.

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