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New Member
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Author:  Lynn Blakely [ Mon Oct 05, 2009 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  New Member

I joined the first of October. I am a retired electronics technician, that means I have repaired a lot of consumer electronics. I enjoy singing karaoke. I do get frustrated at
the lack of relevant reviews on component players. I think the manufacturers show say how fast the unit will load the directory of a CDG. and if it goes into play automatically.
It would be nice if the retailers had customer reviews on their sites. This is a good site
as I have already done some reading of the replies.
Lynn Blakely

Author:  Babs [ Mon Oct 05, 2009 11:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Member

Hi Lynn- Welcome aboard - :wave:

I think the manufacturers are worried about their bigger consumer (home based buyers) than us KJs. I don't mind them putting out these cheap CDG trays, but they should also have higher end equipment for KJs. I'm hoping my vintage player keeps working because there isn't anything on the market now that I'd want to buy.

Author:  Lynn Blakely [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 7:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Member

Thanks for your reply "Babs". ("I think the manufacturers show say how fast the unit will load the directory of a CDG. and if it goes into play automatically.") I see I made a typo, It should read "manufacturers should say"

OK I think I may have it narrowed down to: the VocoPro DVG-888K II. What do you all
think? My system is to be used mostly in a church setting, and I would like to be able to
have the controls out in the audience so the operator can hear the direct sound, of the
singers, and the balance or level of the accompaniment sound track.
The DVG-888K II has a balanced output on the audio, which means you can feed long
lines to the powered speakers. This also means I will need to use a snake for the mic
lines to the mixer. Let's see I seem to have forgot you have to run all the audio to the mixer then to the speaker system, LOL.
Looking forward to all comments.
Lynn B.

Author:  Avg Joe [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Member

Welcome Lynn.

Looks like you be able to provide alot of useful info.

Author:  Babs [ Tue Oct 06, 2009 8:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Member

Vocopro is looked down upon by most of the karaoke hosts here. Most of our most knowledgable KJs hang out in the tech forum. You may want to get some opinons there. As for a CDG player I suggest a vintage one. The Pioneer PD-V10G or RSQ MV333 Triple tray sometimes can be found on Ebay. If you can find one of these you'll be much much happier with the performance.

You are ahead of the game if you know how to fix them. Sometimes you can find fixer uppers really cheap.

Good luck with what ever you decide.


Author:  Tarzan [ Fri Oct 09, 2009 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Member

Welcome in Lynn!

I agree with Babs on both points...
Babs @ Tue Oct 06, 2009 10:50 am wrote:
Vocopro is looked down upon by most of the karaoke hosts here. Most of our most knowledgable KJs hang out in the tech forum. You may want to get some opinons there. As for a CDG player I suggest a vintage one. The Pioneer PD-V10G or RSQ MV333 Triple tray sometimes can be found on Ebay. If you can find one of these you'll be much much happier with the performance.

You are ahead of the game if you know how to fix them. Sometimes you can find fixer uppers really cheap.

Good luck with what ever you decide.


I still have a PD-V10G which has had a tray gearing replacement. Mine is being deligated to back-up use as I am migrating my CD+Gs to computer but it works as good as new at more than 10 years old! I occasionally stumble upon them being posted on eBay and let everyone know when I do... so keep your eyes open!!

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