Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Has anyone heard anything about this new Karaoke machine?
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Author:  Cueball [ Wed Oct 07, 2009 2:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Has anyone heard anything about this new Karaoke machine?

Digital Karaoke Machine with Hard-Drive and Disc Player
Catalog #: HD787 Brand: RSQ

I saw this on K-Com's site. Is anyone thinking about getting it (those of you who haven't already converted your discs to a hard drive)? Has anyone bought it (or know of someone who has)?

Author:  Chris G [ Fri Oct 09, 2009 8:54 am ]
Post subject:  i asked that a while back, here.

didn't get much feedback.


Author:  Lynn Blakely [ Thu Oct 15, 2009 5:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Has anyone heard anything about this new Karaoke machine?

I have been studying these NEO, and SCDG's and I am going with a non proprietary
format. I have purchased a player that has the USB in put to access a Hard Drive.
I am going withe Power CD=G Burner software to make backups, and to store on the Drive. I will be using a laptop to run the program using Siglos Karaoke Professional
Going this way I can store in Zip, or MP3+G on the hard drive. I have received some
interesting responses on this subject on the thread I started "Need Advice on RSQ
Player" Depending on what you want to do the HD 787 might work just fine. I did write
to the company about their service, and learned it is all in house. Hope this helps.
Lynn B. Retired electronics technician, worked on the best and a lot of the rest.

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