JiggyJune @ Thu Oct 08, 2009 3:35 pm wrote:
Yes, wired mic. The mics are plugged into the mixer and no noise. As soon as the microphone is turned on from the switch on the microphone, then there is humming. But it is only after a 2nd mic is turned on from the switch on the microphone. When one mic is turned on and singer is singing into, no numming. But as soon as the second mic is switched on, then humming. Yes, wired microphone with cords.
Thanks for your help. Hope I clarified it now.
Wired mics makes it much easier to figure out.
The next step is to methodically begin swapping things to see of the buzz changes.
- Step 1 - Swap the mic cables at the mixer, making mic 2, mic 1 and vice=versa. Is the buzz there with only Mic 1 on?
- Step 2 - If so, swap mics at the end of the cords. Does the buzzing change back?
It's sounding more and more like simply a bad mic and/or cable.