Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

VCD Karaoke conversion to hard drive
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Author:  doug osgood [ Sun Apr 18, 2004 4:47 am ]
Post subject:  VCD Karaoke conversion to hard drive

dear friends, hi from Australia, I want to transfer my VCD karaoke songs from disc to hard drive and retain the MULITPLEX channels plus vocal masking and the key change, just as I have with the CDG discs ( into MP3) Does this have to be done into DVD format ie play VCD into burner and write to hard drive converting to DVD ?? But then how does key change work, as playing the DVD or VCD in player relies on disc speed to change key, but now it will be from hard drive ??? so is there a program and patch /macros out there that will allow the same to be done as with CDG'S, the key change / record/tempo and lookup that has been developed for the CDG'S is great, but so far cant find anything for VCD. In Asia there are NO CDG'S they only use VCD'S or DVD'S. with the multiplex you can have vocal assist which helps to learn the song quickly, plus some people are very shy in confronting the CDG Karaoke which basically means know the song or blow it. Please someone help me to get some direction. PS I know it means hugh hard drive capacity !!!

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