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a rewarding night of karaoke
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Author:  karaoke koyote [ Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  a rewarding night of karaoke

I started a new Sunday night gig two weeks ago at one of the oldest and largest Dance Halls in my town. For 75 years they've had live music Friday and Saturday night, and showcased some classic local country music bands... some have made it big in Nashville. The pictures on the walls are really something.

Anywho, they've had Sunday night karaoke there for several years now, but its been a poor show. The KJ there had a lousy system and had a bad habit of feeling up the girls. I've been to his show and just marveled at how horrible it sounded.How he ever maintained a gig that long I don't have a clue, but following him has been a real interesting and rewarding experience.

Because its a dance hall the acoustics are great and my sound system sounds awesome! There's a big dance floor, a stage, etc.

The first week was good, and the second week (last night) was even better as people returned and brought friends, many in the pool league decided to stick around, and a table of my folks showed up.

Anyway, about halfway through the show, one of the singer asked me to delay his song as he wanted to say something. I said sure.... and he says, " Hey all, I've been to a lot of karaoke shows, I'm a DJ myself and this is the best karaoke show I've ever seen. Does the Koyote rock or what? We are so glad you're here Koyote!"

And everyone in the bar clapped and cheered... :oops: :D

I was really choked up. There aren't many moments like that in your life... where there is such clarity that you know you are doing what you're suppose to be doing and you're where you're suppose to be... but that was one of 'em. :bigcry:

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:02 am ]
Post subject:  Re: a rewarding night of karaoke

and then you said ..OH Mom sit down !!! :jk:

That's great news !! Keep up the good show and wish continued success there !!

Author:  Avg Joe [ Mon Oct 12, 2009 9:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: a rewarding night of karaoke

jamkaraoke @ Mon Oct 12, 2009 8:02 am wrote:
and then you said ..OH Mom sit down !!! :jk:

That's great news !! Keep up the good show and wish continued success there !!

You mean sit down "Dad". That was a good one regardless.

It's always nice to hear something like that. And then to say it on the live mic and get everyones cheers, totally awesome.

That kinda reminds me of Thursday night. Awhile back, I sang "Believe" and this lady told me great job, and she loved it. It was her favorite song by B & D. I thanked her and was appreciative of the compliment, but I wrote it off a little as complimentary since it was the first time I sang at this place, and she was working there. You know kinda like be nice so they'll come back. No, I'm not a confident guy. Well anyway, Thursday night at the same place, there was a laptop crash. She wasn't working, but was hanging out there. With no karaoke going on, she puts money in the Jukebox, and the first song was "Believe". I had to go over and remind her of when I sang it, and what she said to me, and how I felt at that moment. It hit me how sincere she really was being when I sang it. It was a special feeling ( present time). I'm guessing close to how you felt Koyote.

As you said koyote "There aren't many moments like that in your life... ", and I almost let this one get away. This is something that I hope I remember for a long, long, time.

Author:  Babs [ Mon Oct 12, 2009 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: a rewarding night of karaoke

Those are some really great stories. It's so nice to be appreciated and to honestly get a sincere compliment. After doing karaoke for so long I like to think I tell whose being sincere or not.

Saturday night I had a gentlemen hand me a twenty dollar tip with his slips. He'd only been in maybe a couple other times recently. He walked away so quickly after handing me the tip I barely got thank you out before he turned. He wasn't looking for preferential treatment he just wanted to show his appreciation without a word. I'm always surprised by the big tippers when they know it won't get them anything special - I don't take bribes. Sincere appreciation without a word - I love this guy. :D

Author:  ripman8 [ Tue Oct 13, 2009 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: a rewarding night of karaoke

Owwwwww to the Koyote!~

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