Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

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Author:  Phill Cross [ Tue Apr 20, 2004 4:18 am ]
Post subject:  Memberships

I notice that there are alot of users. However, only some have decided to become Premium Members.

These are the present Membership Options:

    Submit 1 recording per day
    Max. song (file) size limit 3MB
    5 latest songs archived
    Rank/Comment Privileges

    Submit up to 3 recordings per day
    Max. song (file) size limit 5MB
    25 latest songs archived
    Rank/Comment Privileges
    Photo image allowed
    Special "Bio" entry
    Submissions may be selected for "That's Karaoke" StreamCast tm Radio
$10 per month or $25 per quarter

I would like to get everyone's opinion:
    Should there be another Membership Level?
    What do you feel would be a equitable rate for membership?
    How many songs should that new membership be allowed to have archived?
Remember, it costs money to operate this site. We are trying to provide a method for you to showcase your songs. There is the cost of maintaining the site and for each song listened to, there is bandwidth used.

Many thanx & enjoy the site.


Author:  DJ Lou [ Tue Apr 20, 2004 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Upgade

:?: if we could delete a song that we had a problem with and resubmit the same day that would be nice. And more MB that would be nice to

Author:  DJ Lou [ Tue Apr 20, 2004 11:08 am ]
Post subject:  Upgade to Premium member

I would like to upgrade. But I have been having a problem with some of my submitted songs. I submit one day and no sound I submit the same song the next day and no broblem if you could help me solve this problem. then I would like to upgrade to be a premium member.
And to if we could delete a song and not have to wait seven days
that would be nice. :?:

Author:  Gracie71 [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I just upgraded today but there should be another level in between maybe? 10 songs a month $5. Just an idea to get more folks to sign up, I know that personally I can't do 25 songs in a month! I signed up to be supportive of your site.

Author:  Phill Cross [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:03 am ]
Post subject: 

I think you may have something there...

I'll see what the moderators and owners think...

Also, you don't have to do 25 songs in a month. You will have up to 25 songs posted. If you did 10 each month, you would have 10 the first month, 20 the second and up to 25 in the third, then you would have to decide which to delete in order to add more!


Author:  Gracie71 [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 11:18 am ]
Post subject: 

I see you can have 25 posted all together! Duh! I get it now. If nothing else but for the cost conscience songbirds out there the other price point may work to draw them in.

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