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NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?
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Author:  JayM8377 [ Sun Oct 25, 2009 9:33 am ]
Post subject:  NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?

The bar I work at just invested in a brand new karaoke system. The software they chose is PCDJ VJ. I took a look at it and somewhat familiarized myself with it but I'm still not comfortable running a show on it yet. I've been using VideoHoster, which I really liked, but this one seems more complicated. I've figured out basic functions, like selecting songs, setting up a playlist, and keychange. But I have not yet figured out if there's a way to enter the singer's NAME in the queue list like you can do with Hoster. Also, I have no idea how to go about using CDG's (say if someone brings a song in and I just need to use it one time).

I tried looking for a good tutorial online but didn't find much. Anyone use this program regularly at their shows? ANY information you have on it regarding performance and how to use it effectively, I'd love it if you'd share, as I have a show in 2 weeks and I'd like to be able to use it. Thanks!!

Author:  lyquiddye [ Tue Oct 27, 2009 2:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?

This would be one of the last software options I would use to host karaoke. I does a good job playing music videos, that is about all.

There are no hosting options you can load a song to each player that is about it, from there you are on your own. I would suggest something like Karma. It is a very nice hosting program.

Author:  DJMojo [ Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?


I use Numark Cue(basically the same thing as PCDJ) for everything DJ/VJ/KJ. It does a great job with music and videos but I'll admit there are better programs if you're doing nothing but karaoke. If there is a way to put the singers name up I haven't found it. You could do it with the text feature but that would be a PITA to do for each singer. As far as the disc people bring in, I use a separate CD+G player.

Most on this forum will agree Compuhost is their favorite.


Author:  jamkaraoke [ Tue Oct 27, 2009 5:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?

I agree - The pcdj vj is a a jack of all trades master of none software--meaning it can do a LOT for the dj/vj/kj type of show. but does not SPECIALIZE in any one area. Great Program for a mobile guy doing a lot of various shows. But I agree that KARMA or PCDJ KJPRO or one of the many KARAOKE HOSTING PROGRAMS out there are better suited for just HOSTING KARAOKE.

Author:  JayM8377 [ Thu Nov 05, 2009 8:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?

Heh, yes, PCDJ was not my choice, and definitely will not be when I get my own system, however, this is what I am stuck with. I figure though it's not a hosting program, it's still better than running off of discs. I'll just be keeping my slips all lined up in rotation by hand like I used to! haha. Thanks for all the input though.

Author:  jr2423 [ Thu Nov 05, 2009 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?

PCDJ Also makes a Karaoke hosting program. Maybe your bar owne/manager may want to look into it http://pcdj.com/index.php/products/karaoki/

Author:  toonarmyrule [ Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?

Hi Jay, i am currently converting my discs to use on a computer and have been fighting with PCDJVJ for the last couple of weeks. Be very careful if you do end up using it at your show as it is a very hungry 'CPU' dependant program! I have tried it on 4 different laptops, three of which were not upto the task. These had a 1.8GHz, 2.1Ghz and even a 3.2GHz microprocessor in them. They would cut out on the music or lock up the lyrics. The only success i had was on a laptop with a dual core microproccesor with 1 Gb of Ram and a independant video driver, not integrated on the mother board. In short Jay, try it before you use it on the night or it could all go horribly wrong. If you open up your task manager while playing the karaoke tune, it will tell you how much CPU usage is going on and at the top of the PCDJVJ screen is a green/yellow/orange/red led for CPU usage. If it goes into the red you WILL have problems or on task manager if your up around 80% usage you WILL have problems.
I have used the program to just play music on these laptops and it works very well for that, but not KJ unless you have a decent laptop.
I am in the process of trialing other hosting programs, which you can get for varying amounts of time on a free trial basis. Go to CNET.com and type in karaoke software. There is a whole pile of programs there. One which does look promising is Virtual DJ but as has been said, try them out for yourself and see what YOU like. Hope this helps a bit, cheers, Mick.

Author:  DJ DANGERUS [ Thu Nov 05, 2009 1:52 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?

Our company has been using PCVJ for quite a few years. I would not suggest putting it on a laptop just from expirience. Depending which version you have, the latest version should have a karaoke rotation application under video effects. If you have any questions on this program PM me.

Author:  buckstrong [ Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?

You can actually load all the slips into the program. I just got this program myself and I am going to give it a go for a upcoming wedding. We dont have to many straight Karaoke jobs where im at so this program does well for music and karaoke. Anyway, you can load each song and attach it to the person on the right side of the pckj program. I messed around with it last night and its actually fun. The singers name will come up on the screen and everything.

Author:  dfwsunking [ Mon Nov 09, 2009 10:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?

I've been using PCDJ VJ for six months now and really like it but then again, I'm kind of a hybrid KJ/DJ anyway. I like being able to show music videos or put up text between singers. It works really well too for when I sometimes pull out what I call remix karaoke where someone sings one song and I mix in one or two more songs that similar styles and tempos kind of like a medley. Keep in mind too though that I bought the hardware to go with it too (Denon HC4500 and Denon X500).

Author:  toonarmyrule [ Wed Nov 18, 2009 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: NEW TO PCDJ VJ! Anyone regularly use this?

Finally went and bought a half decent laptop with a dual core uP and 3 gigs of RAM. PCDJVJ works great on it, no lock up on lyrics or stuttering music. If anyone on the forum is going the PC route, buy a decent laptop to run your hosting program. I spent a couple of weeks messing around with older laptops with no success. Just an observation that might save anyone a lot of trouble. Hope this thread helps somebody someday, cheers, Mick.

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