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Karaoke Venue Database
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Author:  Murray C [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:17 am ]
Post subject:  Karaoke Venue Database

It'd be kinda nice to have a database of karaoke venues with info on the kind of show, times and location along with information such as whether they play customers' discs, type of crowd, etc.

I know there is the club directory listing already (which doesn't seem to be used), but this seems to be able only to list the basic address, time, phone number information. I know there are more venues than one can find doing a google search of a city too.

I feel what would be very useful is a database that could be searched by state or city, where registered members can update information of venues they have attended or know about.

EDIT: LOL, I never knew there was a City in Washington State called Nelson New Zealand until I came across it in the "Club Directory" listing!

Author:  Moonrider [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 8:39 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Venue Database

Murrlyn @ Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:17 am wrote:
It'd be kinda nice to have a database of karaoke venues with info on the kind of show, times and location along with information such as whether they play customers' discs, type of crowd, etc.

Here's a site started by a local friend that doesn't include quite that much info, but she's very open to suggestions. Use the contact link at the bottom.


Author:  Cueball [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Venue Database

There's a site in NY called MURPHGUIDE that happens to list Karaoke venues. Unfortunately, Sean doesn't keep the site updated very well. I have e-mailed him from time to time, and I once asked him to include that type of information, but he said it was too much to add.

When the JOLT Forum used to exist, I tried to stay on top of where there were places to go in NYC (within the 5 boroughs). I used to list every show that I knew of, and would add information such as...
The place serves food,
Drinks were over-priced,
Parking is available/Parking is scarce,
The KJ is Computer based and can/can't play personal CDGs.

I used to call up every place that I listed about every 6 months, just to verify if they still had Karaoke, and if the same Host was there.

Author:  mckyj57 [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Venue Database

I have traveled all over the country doing karaoke. The state of venue information is generally poor. The best I have seen are in the Cocoa Beach area, spacecoastkaraoke.com, Philadelphia (Tom Boutell's page), and Chicago (some page I forget).

The biggest problem with a lot of the web listings is stale information. And to be honest, the diligence of KJs maintaining their listings.

I believe the best way to do it would be to require hosts to re-authorize the listing every 4-8 weeks. The system should send them an email saying "click this link to continue the listing". This should be triggered automatically after a period of time, or upon someone from the outside clicking a button saying "this show is no longer there".

It would not be difficult to do such a listing, and if it were done under the aegis of karaoke-forum.com it could get some good coverage. Obviously the current listing at this site is completely hopeless, so it would make sense to let someone else have a shot at it.

Author:  BruceFan4Life [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 11:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Venue Database

Most people are dilligent in posting information when they get a new show but don't show the same sense of responsibility when they lose a gig. I guess that they feel that they don't want to waste their time when there is nothing to gain from it. What they don't realize is that if a customer drives to a show that has been canceled, they might just hold it against the KJ or the venue for them wasting their time driving there.

Author:  Karen K [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Venue Database

Here in the northwest corner of Wa State we're lucky to have a very, very good karaoke paper. Occasionally listings will be stale but a quick e-mail to the publisher would take care of that. Unfortunately many venues, including mine, aren't far enough into the black to take out ads, but a free listing is available that only lists the venue, address, and the night(s) karaoke is available.

Author:  eben [ Tue Nov 10, 2009 4:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Venue Database

I belong to a Meetup.com locally for Karaoke. The organizer for the Meetup is a woman who goes out singing 5-7 days a week. She compiled a complete list of all the local Karaoke on a PDF file and she uploaded it to the Meetup site. It has two files, one by the name and other by the day of the week. It's a great resource for me personally when I don't go out too often to sing.

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