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Knowing When To Stop Drinking!
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Author:  musicgrl74 [ Thu Apr 22, 2004 7:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Knowing When To Stop Drinking!

Knowing When to Stop Drinking? I would think that most KJs could understand when they have had enough. This last tuesday evening someone did'nt. Unfortunatley KJ and the venue I believe they have lost friends and fans. Its unfortunate its a great Place and a beautiful venue. I am holding the KJ and the venue responsible. The Comments made by the KJ on Tuesday evening Before During and After the Contest where diplorable and absolutely appalling. I Know that everyone was insulted that evening and no was left out of the KJ's racist Homophobic and obscene comments. I have never seen a KJ stop a song in the middle of a contest to insult them however this KJ did this without regarde to the feelings of anyone. I personally will never return to a show that this KJ is hosting.

Author:  MC Krusty [ Thu Apr 22, 2004 8:31 pm ]
Post subject: 

That's unfortunate.

As a KJ, you should be there to introduce the singers and make the show fun, sound as best as possible by tuning it for each singer, and not mess with your singers! :?

That's unfortunate. I've never been to a show up here in Northern Cal that was like that. We had (notice had) one KJ that like to do "female flashing" contests. He would say they're giving away "free ladies T-shirts" and somehow rig the contest so the girls flashed him. Then he pulled out the polariod and added pics to his personal "hooters" collection. That's the strangest stuff I've seen around here.

Author:  metalgod [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 12:36 am ]
Post subject: 

Well there is two sides to every story and I cant wait to hear the KJ's side. If it did go down like that then it looks like I'll be having another smokin gig to add to my resume. Mr. KJ please respond!!!!

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 4:20 am ]
Post subject: 

It's alright to have a couple, just to keep in the proper mood. But ya need to quit prior to getting to the point where it will affect your judgement or you take a chance on hozzing up your equipment and/or music. If its been a long day and you need one or two to unwind and really interact with your crowd, that's one thing. But when it turns ya ugly, or you get potty mouth, that's totally different and unacceptable.

Author:  big jimmy c [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 5:01 pm ]
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If you know what you are doing and exactly where everything is, Drinking shoudn't be a problem. However if you are a racist homophobe, That may reveal itself after a few.

I usually become more loose and fun after a couple of drinks.

Being completely wasted to the point of slurred speech is a no no.

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Author:  timberlea [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 7:18 pm ]
Post subject: 

We never drink at our shows. It is our job. Do you drink at your day jobs? You wouldn't operate an expensive piece of machinery after drinking a few, why take that chance with your equipment. Doesn't make sense to me. Also with 5+ shows a week I'd be a raging alcoholic. No thank you.

Author:  big jimmy c [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:14 pm ]
Post subject: 

Timber, Take a chill pill my friend. I don't work drunk at my day job of 17 years. Are you anal retentive?

I would love to aknowledge your opinions.

Expensive machinery?

Author:  knightshow [ Fri Apr 23, 2004 8:16 pm ]
Post subject: 

as with all things, there are personal feelings to the matter. You'll never hear the same answer twice from two different people. Some states are very specific about who can drink while working in a bar.

And Tim, it's allowed by state law to have alcoholic drinks on your lunch break with a "day job".

I wish people wouldn't confuse the two. They are two seperate animals.

Like Jim, I don't get sloppo, but I do enjoy being able to have A drink or two. I've YET to meet a kj that doesn't (in person).

Most of the time, I'm stone cold sober on the job... but occassionally, you need a break!

Author:  metalgod [ Sat Apr 24, 2004 12:46 am ]
Post subject: 

8 years of kick (@$%&#!) karaoke without one drink of alcohol. Yes it can be done. And I'm positive i'm not the only kj doing this. My only vice are the females if ya know what I mean. Oh yes the ladies of Southern california...........who needs a drink when you have da kind.

Author:  big jimmy c [ Sat Apr 24, 2004 3:33 am ]
Post subject: 

Hey Metalgod, You are one broken condom away from the clouds. A few drinks are ok by me, A few ***** are ok by you, Possibly to the great demise of family.

Morals: According to you, morals don't exist. Lets go **** every skirt we can find.

Author:  marty3 [ Sat Apr 24, 2004 7:04 am ]
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I will usually have a couple of beers in the bars. For private parties, I generally stick to pop unless it's very informal and I know the clients/guests personally.

Author:  KKid [ Sat Apr 24, 2004 8:44 am ]
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Honestly in all the years I've been singin' karaoke, I've never encountered a drunken KJ.....singers are a different story, cause I've been there once or twice myself...LOL

But homophobic coments, raciest coments and hate in general are not good qualities for a KJ to display....they are there to provide entertainment...not to insult and demean singers....

As for the obscene comments, well that depends on the venue.....I have sang in venues where it wouldn't be appropreite....ya know the carpet on the floor places....then I've sung in other places (neon lite honky tonks)....my favorite type...there it seems to be a requirement...

as for the sex vrs drinkin' thing...I like both...and the more the better!!!

Author:  Big Mike [ Sat Apr 24, 2004 12:45 pm ]
Post subject: 

Holy crap Jimmy--reduce the dosage on those bitter pills bro!

I had to check twice to see if it was actually you and not some imposter!

Timberlea wasn't out of line. I'd wager that there are very few "regular" jobs that allow the consumption of alcohol during the work day. As far as expensive machinery goes, I'd consider the couple grand I have tied up in equipment as "expensive machinery."

Neither was Metalgod. He wasn't making any moral judgement about drinking, or sex. I dunno where you got that from.

I also do karaoke "dry" because I wouldn't drink on any job. Not saying KJs that drink are bad, just saying that I don't do it.

Author:  DougB462 [ Sat Apr 24, 2004 7:28 pm ]
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I agree, that it is a gig, it is your'e job, and your'e best judgement, Your'e actions will determine your'e future in the buisness. Just like any buisness. If you know your'e limit, go for it. :P Have fun Guys & Gals.

Author:  knightshow [ Sat Apr 24, 2004 10:04 pm ]
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see, and the comments that are bashing those of us that choose to have a drink on the job are JUST as offensive.

I for one, see Jimbo's side of the issue.

This is a no-win arguement, guys... let's drop it

Author:  big jimmy c [ Sun Apr 25, 2004 8:55 am ]
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Ditto, I guess it all boils down to individual choices. I am against getting totally wasted at a gig, But a few is a few. Sorry if I offended anyone.

Author:  Phill Cross [ Sun Apr 25, 2004 9:01 am ]
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I would like to state that I do not believe you truly offended anyone. Well, I know that I wasn't, at least. :)

I have been known to "tie one on" a time or two. Thank goodness, I am a happy drunk... Although, I do make an Ars of myself.

In my opinion having a few is fine, but knowing when to say when is very important.

So the next time I'm out someone better let me know - I'm holding everyone here responsible LOL :newlol:


Author:  dbk1009 [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 5:36 am ]
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Let us not forget the medicinal properties of a drink or 2. I personally drink Brandy, B&B, or Cognac. They help to soothe my throaght, if not technically, then mentally.

One positive- you really can't have too many, and if a customer wants to buy you 1, it really helps to add to the bars take!!

Author:  KKid [ Mon Apr 26, 2004 5:50 am ]
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As long as the KJ remains in control of his or her senses, and don't over indulge where is the problem. I mean after all itis a bar we're talkin' about. I buy drinks for KJs all the time.

As for the little side conversation with regard to sex.....that's pretty much a personal issue, isit not?

I believe this thread started over a KJ being rude and obscene with singers or the house in general. That issue is one of poor timing and general bad judgement on their part. You wouldn't expect to be demeaned or insulted by any other proffessional, why should a KJ be any different? It's too easy to blame our actions on the alcohol, when the person allowing themselves to over indulge is the one to blame. Maybe if this KJ continues to display such unproffessional behavior, couselin' should be considered , before they don't have a bussiness anymore.

Author:  Barry James [ Tue Apr 27, 2004 9:30 am ]
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I believe that a stone cold sober KJ can be as much of a liabilty as a drunk one if he's not staying tuned to the mood of his audience!
Drunk, definitely not!
Sober, probably not!
Relaxed and going with the flow? Certainly.

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