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Social Networking & Marketing Your Show
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Author:  tovmod [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 8:30 am ]
Post subject:  Social Networking & Marketing Your Show

There have been several articles of late in my local newspaper's business section regarding marketing and social networking sites on the internet. I am just about ready to start utilizing such sites and have several questions.

In simple terms:
How does having a site on a social network draw karaoke devotees to your shows?

What suggestions do you have about how to describe your show/self?

What pitfalls are there?

What recommendations do you have to help insure that a benefit is derived from such an effort?

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Nov 20, 2009 9:08 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Social Networking & Marketing Your Show

I have both MySpace & Facebook sites. Set-up as a mini version of my actual website, with links to my actual site as well.
Not sure if it is an actual 'draw', but you can keep people that have been to your shows updated on things easily as far as updates, upcoming events, etc.
Don't know of any real pitfalls, unless you start putting up personal info that you don't want anyone to see - so you leave that info out, it's funny how many kj's use this excuse that they don't want anyone to know about their personal life or that they don't want anyone to find them - if you don't put up personal info, then no one will know, use it as your business.
Any advertising is a benefit, how much is partly up to HOW you market it. Once you get the site going (honestly would do both as some prefer one site over the other & don't necessarily use both), then have signs in your club, books, ask people for their email/MySpace/Facebook & add them as your friends - letting them know it's for 'letting them know about what's going on, new shows, new song updates, etc..', most will be happy to add you.
I have over 1000 emails alone, my MySpace has over 400 contacts, Facebook is 200 now.

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