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Conga Line Karaoke
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Author:  GeminiMALE40 [ Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Conga Line Karaoke

I recently had a singer do Jim Carreys..CUBIN PETE.. from the show " THE MASK" and it was a hit ..the bar manger couldnt believe that a conga line was go though his bowling alley...I was laughing so hard I couldnt even tell you how many dancers there were...anyway a good time had by all!!!

Author:  srnitynow [ Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Conga Line Karaoke

Conga lines are ALWAYS fun.


Author:  karyoker [ Mon Nov 30, 2009 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Conga Line Karaoke

Our Halloween gig ($250) was dance mainly with only 3 or 4 singers. I sing Jump In The Line and at that gig had everybody in the bar in a conga line. I have had conga lines of 150+ many times... Singing Dayo I have had them literally dancing on the tables..

Author:  Babs [ Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Conga Line Karaoke

Every time I've seen a conga line it has been to the song "Hot Hot Hot". NYE seems to bring out the conga in people. LMAO

Author:  johnreynolds [ Mon Nov 30, 2009 12:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Conga Line Karaoke

Conga lines are GREAT and if you're talented enough to get one going at a karaoke show, go for it!

Perhaps your singer sang "CUBAN PETE" because it was recently used as a dance routine on Dancing With The Stars. This happens frequently at my shows. If they used it on THAT show, it always translates into a performance at my show.

Personally I really like watching Dancing With The Stars- probably my favorite show, as i watch very little tv nowadays. I'd rather dance than sing, and i do love to sing!

The MANY (400+) corporate events over the years i've performed included "Hot Hot Hot" as the conga line song and the largest line being easily over 600 participants in an outside event for Verizon. This included hundreds of kids and went down the stretch of The Mall in Washington DC between the Capitol And The Washington Monument.

That's the Largest Conga Line i've done.
The Largest LINE DANCE was 1,100 dancers STRONG and was an Electric Slide at a T-Rowe Price corporate event in the summer of 2001. Needless to say it was AN AWESOME SIGHT. :yes: (there were over 2500 people at this event) :D

...sorry if it sounds like i'm bragging, i'm not. Just reminiscing and feeling proud of the cool things i've been able to do with events. :wave: j.r.

Author:  srnitynow [ Mon Nov 30, 2009 3:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Conga Line Karaoke

John, when you have THOSE kind of numbers participating, you've EARNED the right to BRAG!!! Besides, a little self-gratification never hurt anyone. :shock: Go ahead and brag on with your bad self!!! LMAO


Author:  Babs [ Tue Dec 01, 2009 12:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Conga Line Karaoke

srnitynow @ Mon Nov 30, 2009 5:03 pm wrote:
John, when you have THOSE kind of numbers participating, you've EARNED the right to BRAG!!! Besides, a little self-gratification never hurt anyone. :shock: Go ahead and brag on with your bad self!!! LMAO


I agree - brag on !

Author:  neonmoon [ Tue Dec 01, 2009 7:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Conga Line Karaoke

One that always gets em going at our shows is "The Locomotion" Little Eva

Author:  Salsero12 [ Thu Dec 10, 2009 11:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Conga Line Karaoke

ive never been to a karaoke place where they do a conga line. :( lol

but they do dance to that Cha Cha song a lot... "right foot stomp.... left foot stomp"

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