Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

New Colorado Website
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Author:  karyoker [ Sat Dec 12, 2009 4:48 pm ]
Post subject:  New Colorado Website

I just registered a new website for Colorado. I plan to register the DJ'S KJ'S and karaoke singers in this state and list services for DJ or karaoke parties or regular bars. I have been doing karaoke in this area for 15-20 years and I would like to get in touch with old friends that I have sang with This will be the purpose for a singers registry and eventually we can have weekend reunions.

This has been in the back of my mind for years and anybody here in CO that wants to get in on the ground floor, register or have suggestions please PM. This will work in conjunction with the cabaret karaoke forum. Without spamming please PM,

It will be colorado-dj-kj-singers.com

Thank You Ollie Cabaret Karaoke

EDIT: This site will promote positive services in Colorado for all. It will not reflect negative or political ramifications or publicize corp lawsuits or other negatives that seem to be the fodder for the media. It will be for professionals that want to promote our industry.

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