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equiptment hook up
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Author:  armando [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 7:33 am ]
Post subject:  equiptment hook up

ok ,now that i think i have what i need to get started i need help on connecting my equiptment i have a mackie cfx12 ,peavey pv115 speakers and a peavey pv1200 amp.I know that the guy who sold me the mixer told me the mics go on top where it's says mic .where do i plug the amp to the speakers have two plugs and a black and red plugs as well. I read that you can plug only one to the amp and plug the other cable to the other speaker. so if i wanted to plug both to the amp where would i plug them to. and what is the black and red ports for ? then where do i plug the amp to the mixer.
Thanks for the help !!!!

Author:  letitrip [ Sun Dec 20, 2009 4:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: equiptment hook up

OK, the red and black "ports" on the back of your amplifier are called binding ports and they operate in pairs. One red and one black in each pair for Positive and Negative respectively. You would use these if your speaker cables have either banana plugs or bare wire at one end.

If you have 1/4" speaker cables (the ends look like the large headphone plugs) then use the corresponding plugs on the amplifier. The two on top are for the left channel and the two on the bottom are for the right channel. You can use either one of the top ones and either one of the bottom ones, just make sure you use one top and one bottom, don't plug both into the two top ones or two bottom ones.

Hopefully that makes sense.

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