Honestly, I couldn't afford it and just couldn't bring myself to spend $500, $600, $700 for a Shure Beta58 wireless, but around 6 or 7 months ago I picked up an OLD Beta58 wireless along with a bunch of other stuff off craig's list for not much money. It's well over ten years old, the base is made of steel, it reall looks ancient, but it works just fine.
I was excited at first when I got it because the mic worked great, but it used up 9v batteries pretty quickly and if you forgot to turn the channel down before you turned the transmitter off you would hear a HUGE blast of static that could knock your head off. So after a little while the mic got put aside and I went back to using wired mics most of the time.
Recently I ordered (4) 2800mah 9v NiMh rechargeable batteries off ebay and decided to try out the old Beta58 wireless again. What a pleasant surprise! The new batteries work great and the mic is AMAZING!!! I only get around 2-3 hours from each battery so far, but we'll see what happens after regular charging and use.
It's the hottest mic I have, the clearest sound and low feedback. The only thing that comes close is my new wired Samson Q7.
The sensitivity-"hotness"- of the Beta58 is a huge blessing for me since I don't have a super powerful voice. I can turn the mic up pretty high before any feedback which is great.
If you can afford it and you need a REALLY good mic, I highly recommend the Shure wirelss Beta58, it's fantastic. It makes me sound really good.