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Vocal Pitch Processors and the Bad singer
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Author:  webrabbit [ Fri Apr 30, 2004 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Vocal Pitch Processors and the Bad singer

I have been doing Kartaoke now a few months at a local bar. So I am inexperienced and have a lot to learn. I noticed pretty quickly that many people could use some help. Some need more help then maybe is possible. But of course Karaoke is mostly about having fun, however many of the singers who struggle could be helped with some auto-tune vocal pitch processing. But I don't know much about how this is done. (remember I am a newbie to all this, including sound systems.) I have a Mackie 808s amp. How is this best hooked up? What are the options for processors and costs here. I guess there are some more difficult issues, like how do you go about deciding if a singer needs "HELP". Anyone adress these issues. Thanks

Author:  MustangMarty [ Fri Apr 30, 2004 4:59 pm ]
Post subject: 

I'm not to familiar with the 808S you have. I always just use the key changer on my triple tray player. As far as know when to "help" a singer with the kay changer, I always give them a chance first if I haven't heard them sing a particular song before and then wait until a small break in the music to ask them if they want me to start it over a little lower or higher depending on what their range sounds like.

Author:  Lonman [ Fri Apr 30, 2004 6:24 pm ]
Post subject: 

Correction processors do not work very good in live situations.

Author:  big jimmy c [ Sat May 01, 2004 4:39 am ]
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I will use the key changer sometimes, Other times I add echo to bad singers. Theres no miracle cure to correct a bad singer.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Sat May 01, 2004 11:40 pm ]
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I get great results with my Personal TC Electronics "Voice One" and also thier "Voice Prism" it runs about MSRP about $700.00 for the Voice one. and $1,500.00 for the Voice Prism. I'm sure it's much less in the Big discounter's stores or mail orders.. mine cost me a major fraction of that, Because we bought 5 units plus several products like it that were year end models such as effect units all from the same manufacturer in the same order to save shipping. We have had alot of problems with the "Antares" Auto-tune (ATR-1 ATR-3 & Pro Producer) products and sold all of them except the plug-ins for our recording pc's we still use just for comparasion. Not for tuning.

On the "Other Side of the coin" Kid Rock used it on "Only God Knows Why"
in the studio as an Effect. If you listen closely you can hear the intonator kicking in and releasing. That was an Antares ATR-1 Vocal Tuner. :shock:

EVERY CD released.. No matter what anyone tells you in the major industry has vocal tuning done to it before pressing whether the artist thinks they are perfect in pitch or not, because NOBODY is exactly dead on pitch perfect. If they think they are.. Have them walk on water for me in front of my eyes.

Send me the CD if they are. I definately want to hear and meet them. 8)

Hope this helps. 8)

Author:  Lonman [ Sun May 02, 2004 7:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Which is really too bad. I'd rather hear a song sung & played with feeling with all the pitch possible mishaps rather than a computer enhanced finished perfect piece.
Joe Perry of Aerosmith does NOT always keep his guitar in tune for that reason, he said it's just rock n roll man!

Author:  marty3 [ Sun May 02, 2004 4:09 pm ]
Post subject: 

I've thought it would be difficult using one in the unpredictable karaoke environment. In the studio, sure; with a rehearsed live act, probably. I got a demo disc of TC Helicon's Voice Works processor and must say it's an amazing tool for harmony, thickening, correction and other effects. I agree that for many of the painfully off-key singers, changing the key on your player might help (but suggest and get consent from your singers beforehand). These units are also pretty pricey for the karaoke market IMO.

Author:  BeachHeadBum [ Mon May 03, 2004 12:20 pm ]
Post subject: 

Sometimes those that wannabe karaoke stars just one night may make it worth that $400.00 to $600.00 and the effects make it worth the price alone.

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