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Earth, Wind and Fire Karaoke Disc???
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Author:  stogie [ Fri Jan 29, 2010 4:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Earth, Wind and Fire Karaoke Disc???

Is there such a thing?

Anyone sing falsetto?

I just figured out that I can sing falsetto and I'm practicing. It's not ready for public performance yet, but it's something that I am going to work on because I think it may help me to develop my upper range. I'm going to practice some Stylistics, EW and F, Smokey Robinson and a few others. If nothing else it will be fun even if I never get to sing any of them in public.

Author:  BigJer [ Fri Jan 29, 2010 9:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Earth, Wind and Fire Karaoke Disc???

Just browsing quickly at the Music Book Deluxe database, I stumbled across a couple of discs as a possibility... Legends is kind of hit and miss, but if you're just singing at home I'd think this one would work pretty well for you...

LEGD03 Which basically had the same Earth, Wind & Fire songs as on the Chartbuster's disc below plus some Kool & The Gang.

There was also Chartbusters CB-40395

01: Boogie Wonderland / Earth, Wind and Fire
02: Shining Star / Earth, Wind and Fire
03: After The Love Has Gone / Earth, Wind and Fire
04: September / Earth, Wind and Fire
05: Sing A Song / Earth, Wind and Fire
06: Let's Groove / Earth, Wind and Fire
07: Boogie Wonderland (w/ vocals) / Earth, Wind and Fire
08: Shining Star (w/ vocals) / Earth, Wind and Fire
09: After The Love Has Gone (w/ vocals) / Earth, Wind and Fire
10: September (w/ vocals) / Earth, Wind and Fire
11: Sing A Song (w/ vocals) / Earth, Wind and Fire
12: Let's Groove (w/ vocals) / Earth, Wind and Fire

My falsetto sounds "gay" according to the wife, so I'm working on developing my head voice more. For fun I sing the Diamonds version of "Lil Darlin'" at home, but it's not quite ready for prime time just yet. When the wife has had enough to drink, she'll start dancing to my efforts at it.

Author:  seattledrizzle [ Sun Jan 31, 2010 10:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Earth, Wind and Fire Karaoke Disc???

Earth Wind and Fire is on Pioneer Lasers too, so find a show that has them and then you get to watch cool videos too! I'm sure I've seen September on a non-Legends disc though I can't remember what it was...

Author:  rich b [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Earth, Wind and Fire Karaoke Disc???

Checking the online database at KJpro.com..

PSJT141 (8 ETW songs plus Al Green and Jeffrey Osborne)
LG093 has 8 songs from ETW and 8 from Kool & the Gang

the rest are scattered singles on various discs. All in all they show 155 tracks released for Earth, Wind & Fire.

Good luck!

Author:  rich b [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Earth, Wind and Fire Karaoke Disc???

Checking the online database at KJpro.com..

PSJT141 (8 ETW songs plus Al Green and Jeffrey Osborne)
LG093 has 8 songs from ETW and 8 from Kool & the Gang

the rest are scattered singles on various discs. All in all they show 155 tracks released for Earth, Wind & Fire.

Good luck!

Author:  stogie [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Earth, Wind and Fire Karaoke Disc???

Thank you! :D

Author:  stogie [ Mon Feb 01, 2010 7:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Earth, Wind and Fire Karaoke Disc???

My wife criticizes my singing too, but I get paid to sing and I've learned to just ignore her negative comments. What counts to me is the people in the audience at the shows I do. They complement me and love the music I perform, that makes me happy.

I constantly try to push myself to learn new and more difficult songs and it has helped me to develop my vocal abilities and stimulates my mind which I understand is important as we age.

Thanks to those who did the research for me.

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