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Pioneer Laser Discs to Computer-- HELP!
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Author:  freddie b [ Sun Jan 31, 2010 6:55 am ]
Post subject:  Pioneer Laser Discs to Computer-- HELP!

I have about 50 or so Pioneer laser discs. I would like to convert them my computer( I would like to go digital but I haven't yet)
Did anybody convert there laser discs to there computer?
Can anybody tell me how to do the conversion. I would need exact details.
I like my old Pioneer music and can't justify the cost to buy replacement songs.

freddie b

Author:  johnreynolds [ Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pioneer Laser Discs to Computer-- HELP!

I recall a few threads on a couple of kjs that converted THEIR laserdiscs to computer a year or so ago. Do a search on the forum. (box on left)

I do think it was rather painstaking, so unless new technology has been introduced, it will be quite an undertaking. :roll: Good Luck!

p.s. there is/was a fellow in the UK that sells his converted pio-lasers onto dvds (compressed) on ebay , i saw a awhile back. Match them with your originals and you won't have to convert yours, if the price is right. You'll save lots of time. -just an opinion.

Author:  classickaraoke [ Sun Jan 31, 2010 7:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pioneer Laser Discs to Computer-- HELP!

The way I converted the one LD I had was to connect it as an input to my mini DV video camera, recording it to DV tape. Then connecting via firewire to a windows XP PC and using movie maker to import and convert to wmv.

There are a number of VHS-DVD converter adapters for computers and you should be able to use one of those too.

My experience was that it took closer to 3 times the actual length of the disc to complete the conversion so budget your time appropriately :-)

- Jonn

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