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Power Ratings on Amps & Powered Mixers
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Author:  easyeasy [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 5:59 am ]
Post subject:  Power Ratings on Amps & Powered Mixers

Hello Everyone,
1) What is the actual rating of Yamaha's Powered Mixer EMX512SC (500W @ 4 Ohms) - is this 'continuous' or 'program'? It's rated 'Nominal Output Level' is 125W, what does this mean?
2) What is the actual rating of Yamaha's P5000S Amplifier (750W @ 4 Ohms) - is this 'continuous' or 'program'?
3) Yamaha's S115V speaker is rated at 250/500/1000 Power Handling (noise1/program/peak), is noise the same as "RMS' or 'Continuous'?
All of the above information is from Yamaha's Website, I've emailed them 3 times with these same questions and no response.
Please and thank you for all your help.
Have a great day and happy karaokeing.

Author:  lyquiddye [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 8:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Power Ratings on Amps & Powered Mixers

Ok 1st off most speakers are 8 ohm not 4 so for comparison you need to use the 8 ohm ratings.

The Mixer is 350 watts per channel at 8 ohms. It can put out 350 watts before it clips.

The Amp P5000s is 525 watts at 8 ohms.

The speakers are 250 watts rms, 500 Program, and 1000 peak

All amplifers are rated as max output prior to clipping.

The powered mixer would underpower the speakers, the amp is a very good match.

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