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Fastest Loading CDG Players
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Author:  mrmarog [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Fastest Loading CDG Players

I have a great Pioneer DVD V555 player, but it has been giving me some grief on occsaion. I am in need of a new fast loading cdg palyer. When I recieve my new unit I am going to send my Pioneer unit out for service.

I need direct access buttons, VGA out, and single tray. Price is important, but speed is tops! I do a fast paced show with no filler, and lots of my customers bring their own CD's. On some evenings I get as many as 10 to 12 people bring me their CD's at once (happy to say not very often). I try to always put a computer played song in between my customers that have CD's, but sometimes I still get a couple of CD's in a row.

If you could recommend ones that are currently available, or ones that are still found on EBAY or Craigs List.

Thank you,

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Mon Feb 22, 2010 11:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fastest Loading CDG Players

Believe it or not, the fastest loading SINGLE drawer that I've found is the Performer's Choice PCK series, made for Sound Choice. A workhouse ( I still use one that's 6 years old- never a problem- along with my other player.

Between $140-$180 on line.

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