Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Karaoke in St. Louis, MO
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Author:  Tony [ Fri May 07, 2004 7:17 am ]
Post subject:  Karaoke in St. Louis, MO

Hi to all

We just moved from California to St. Louis, Missouri and am begging you with tears in my baby blue eyes, is there any good karaoke around St. Louis or St. Charles?

We have visited 2 places every week since March 1st and haven't found anything reasonable yet. Clearly we've been going to the wrong places. There must be good karaoke in the area.

If you are a KJ and are proud of your sound, please let me know where you host, we are having withdrawel symptons for not being able to go and sing.

Author:  Paid2Party [ Sun May 09, 2004 9:39 am ]
Post subject: 

Yes, yes, yes, there are some great shows in St. Louis! Check out this link:
http://www.webspawner.com/users/mwmpro/ ... icpro.html

This is all of MWM's shows. Most are in South City, with one in Crestwood on Watson Road, and one down south in Barnhart.

I'm the "Frankie" listed on the Friday show in Barnhart. Starting next week, I'll be taking over KJ duties at the Wagner's show on Saturdays. I have to say that our flagship show is Friday night at Time Out on Gravois.

Feel free to PM or email me anytime.



Author:  Phill Cross [ Mon May 10, 2004 3:59 am ]
Post subject: 

Paid2Party wrote:
Yes, yes, yes, there are some great shows in St. Louis!

This is all of MWM's shows. Most are in South City, with one in Crestwood on Watson Road, and one down south in Barnhart.
Did you place these in the Club Directory?

If not, please do so. We are trying to make this a place for everyone to gather information about Karaoke!

Our Club Directory is just one way!


Author:  Tony [ Wed May 12, 2004 8:02 am ]
Post subject: 

What we need in St. Charles is good quality karaoke!!! Karaoke where you can hear yourself sing. Karaoke where the mix is of a high quality. Remeber, karaoke does not need to be loud to be good.

Author:  Tony [ Wed May 12, 2004 8:04 am ]
Post subject: 

First of all, thanks to Paid2Party, we'll be going this weekend.

Also to WazAnOkie. Thanks for the info. When I walked in there I said to my wife "This is it! I knew we would find good quality karaoke in ST. Charles"

:cry: Big was my disappointment when the show started. The KJ's mic was really clear, but when a guest was singing, you would get a different mic that sounded as if you were singing with a pillow over your face. I just wish that some KJ's would learn how to mix, and mix properly. Now wonder karaoke get's a bad name. There are too many Yahoo's out there playing the role of KJ.

If I had a chance to host there I would probably be the happiest KJ in the world. There's great acoustics, great equipment and some serious oppertunity for a great show.

What we need in St. Charles is good quality karaoke!!! Karaoke where you can hear yourself sing. Karaoke where the mix is of a high quality.

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