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Acer Travelmate4000- Horror Stories - WOOWOOOOOO
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Author:  vtrod [ Sat Mar 13, 2010 10:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Acer Travelmate4000- Horror Stories - WOOWOOOOOO

The ugliest thing happened to me last night.

At the end of my show, I was reaching for a disc for a song I hadn't ripped yet, with my guitar still strapped to me and my guitar knocked my laptop bang off my table, off the stage and to the floor.

This is about a 3 meter drop, and there were pieces of laptop casing everywhere. I barely slept all night. Woke up this morning, checked up on my baby, and lucky for me, the only serious damge was to the right clicker on the touchpad. Yes the casing had to be superglued like a jigsaw puzzle, but that is purely cosmetic.

I'm lucky Acer makes a good sturdy piece of equipment although I should be in the market for an upgrade by now, maybe one of those ruggedized things I've see around.

Anyone else have horror stories like mine?


Vic in Sydney.

Author:  michaeldiapers [ Sun Mar 14, 2010 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Acer Travelmate4000- Horror Stories - WOOWOOOOOO

My computer took a six foot drop last Sunday, Hard drive survived, motherboard did not. Presently typing on a brand new laptop.

Author:  DJMojo [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 7:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Acer Travelmate4000- Horror Stories - WOOWOOOOOO

Havent broken one but ....A few years ago my daughter and I took a trip to Cali and stayed on the Queen Mary in Long Beach. As we were checking out, I was talking to the lady who does the ship tours and she offered to show us the suite Winston Churchill would stay in when he was onboard(we didnt have time for the tour) We where in the room no more than 5 minutes when somebody swiped my laptop bag off my luggage sitting outside in the hallway. The tour guide quickly contacted security with her radio and they basically locked down the entire boat.
About 10 minutes later the head of security came walking up with my laptop bag. He said one of the chefs found it a few decks below in a hallway. They hated to admit it, but they thought one of their employees had grabbed it and dumped it when they realized the heat was on. I was lucky to get it back.


Author:  Avg Joe [ Mon Mar 15, 2010 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Acer Travelmate4000- Horror Stories - WOOWOOOOOO

Gotta give'm credit mojo for being honest with you on their assement of what happened.

Author:  fsapienjr [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 1:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Acer Travelmate4000- Horror Stories - WOOWOOOOOO

I had a Dell laptop in a softcase fall off of the back of my motorcycle at 90mph. It only had a dent on one corner. Worked like a champ.

Felix the KJ

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