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Karaoke Anniversay Party
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Author:  mrscott [ Mon Mar 22, 2010 11:00 am ]
Post subject:  Karaoke Anniversay Party

Just thought I would share my little experience over the last weekend.

I have been hosting one of my shows now for 5 years, and thought it would be nice to do something for them in return. So, I threw THEM a party. Easy one,,called it "Mr Scott's 5 Year Karaoke Anniversary". I added the new lighting mainly for this show, they loved it too. Will use the lighting now for most of my shows. I also decorated the bar just a little, nothing fancy tho. I ordered 41 tee-shirts and had them printed up saying this " I SURVIVED 5 YEARS OF MR. SCOTT'S KARAOKE AT CURLEYS LOUNGE",,,and gave them to all my regular singers when they got on stage to sing. Gave them to the working staff too. Should have orded 48 tho,,,grrr haha. (hind-sight thing ya know) Served up 3 gallons of salsa and 14 pounds of tortilla chips along with a huge cheese an cracker tray. (anyone want any extra salsa??? lol). The goodies were a hit! The tray was empty, but that was A LOT salsa! We played silly games all night long with all the customers, something like this: I would say a phrase (hell yeah!) and they would have to repeat it, raise their glasses and take a drink. If they didn't do that, and their buddies caught them, then they would have to take 2 drinks....by the end of the night, there were some very drunk people..hehe,,,and some good sales at the cash register too. We stayed a little later than normal, playing dance tunes. The dance floor was packed most of the night.

All in all, we had such a GREAT time, and I hope the keep coming for the next 5 years. I love this place a lot! And they seem to love it when I am there too. To top the entire thing off, just because I wanted nothing for myself out of this party, I gave my entire nights pay right back to the bartenders and waitresses. They tried to tip me, but I wasn't haven't anything to do with that either. That was my way to say thanks to them for doing such a great job for so long.

Can't wait for the next one now.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Mar 22, 2010 12:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Anniversay Party

Great job !!!

You give a little back and hope the good favor is returned ...Here's to 5 more years and a 10% pay increase

Author:  ripman8 [ Mon Mar 22, 2010 2:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Anniversay Party

Very cool!

Author:  Avg Joe [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 8:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Anniversay Party


Author:  enzoab [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Anniversay Party

That's a great idea! Bravo!

Author:  srnitynow [ Wed Mar 24, 2010 9:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Karaoke Anniversay Party

Now THAT'S what I call a very smart business man. It will come back to you in spades, and even if it didn't, your following will always remember it. GREAT JOB!!!


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