I have heard a lot of comments about the way people judge but I have yet to hear an offer from anyone on the site to do anything about it.
So here goes:
Maybe some of our users could sit down with the webmaster & devise a site-recommended method of ranking. It doesn't have to be 'written in stone' and, while it still comes down to subjectivity, with general guidelines to follow, I think quite a few of the regular users would appreciate the relative consistancy it offers to the way they rank a song.
Noone has to be appointed as a 'judge'. The suggestions could be in a pinned forum for anybody who wants a reference, especially those who are new to the site & its concepts. If they choose to do so, users could annouce that they are using the site-recommended ranking system either in their profile or in the forums to let others know. Whether a user chooses to use it is entirely up to them but I think those who do will appreciate it & be appreciated.
Just an idea.
Enjoy the site!