Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

reality television
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Author:  murdoc39 [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  reality television

i am trying to get some feed back on my idea of a karaoke reality television show. in this show i would travel the world searching out great karaoke venues. i would conduct interviews and give away prizes. the show would not focus on singing and would not be a contest rather it would show the karaoke lifestyle and give the audience a picture of the vibe of each venue. :lol:

if interested in participating please contact me

you can join my facebook group been there sung that karaoke
on myspace you can e-mail beentheresungthat@myspace.com
on twitter murdoc39@twitter
personal e- wallace.stover@gmail.com

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 11:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: reality television

As long as it doesn't focus on one area or general demographic only as that wouldn't necessarily be an accurate representation - go to different cities and states.
I could see a tv special on the karaoke scene, but not sure about an entire reality series - unless again it was interesting enough to hit different locations over the country.

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