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Ipod Karaoke
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Author:  Laurie [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 1:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Ipod Karaoke

Hi All, I'm looking for a good quality all in one ipod karaoke machine with 2 wireless mikes. I will be using this to perform my own playlist for senior centers. I will not be performing for large venues. (50 people or less) I am willing to pay up to $1,000.00. I don't want to shlep alot of equipment, thus the all in one. I do want good sound and not a cheap walmart singing machine. Thank you for your help. Laurie :)

Author:  classickaraoke [ Thu Apr 01, 2010 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ipod Karaoke

I'm assuming you're using MP4 videos on the iPod.

Get a iPod video/audio out cable ($50 - EXPENSIVE!), a small powered mixer ($100-150) and a couple of lightweight speakers (should be able to stay under $300 here). As long as you can plug into a video display there you'll be fine. Add 2 mics for $100 for the pair (PG58s)

This isn't high quality by any stretch of the imagination, but it's a good step above Wally World.

If you are using 'karaoke anywhere' on iPhone / iPod Touch it doesn't do video out yet.

The mixer and speakers will basically determine your quality here.

I know - not all in one! There is a rolling powered speaker with iPod dock that I've seen in the Skymall catalog that was used at a wedding I attended. Didnt sound too bad!


Author:  c. staley [ Fri Apr 02, 2010 12:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ipod Karaoke

Buy a fender passport.... and a couple wireless mics, a cable long enough to reach your iPod that is velcroed to a music stand....

Author:  Laurie [ Tue May 04, 2010 12:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ipod Karaoke

Thanks so much! i took your advice and checked out the skymall catalog ipod karaoke. i wanted more bells and whistles so they told me to google frontgate for their catalog which i did. i purchased the Mobile PA and DJ system. it cost me $400.00 and $100.00 shipping (I'm in Hawaii) It worked out great for a hula retreat where I lead worship and supplied background music for meals. good sound for small venues (up to 100). It's all in one so it's easy to transport. It has 2 ipod ports, good for 3 mikes with plugs, and a decent mixing board.
blessings and aloha, laurie

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