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Frederick, Maryland
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Author:  Avg Joe [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:57 am ]
Post subject:  Frederick, Maryland

I've got a good friend who looks like he's moving East. Been looking for work for a while now and is flying out for an interview next week. The place that found the job for him said they're flying him out to offer him the job and to let him check out the town. I thought I remember some people here were in Maryland. Any idea where he could go for karaoke. He's in his lower 50's, loves country music, moreso the older stuff. Not a fan of the hip hop, or rock music, but can handle it for a bit. Not a big fan of the loud stuff. Knows his stuff regarding karaoke, as he use to KJ. I hope there's only one Frederick, Maryland, because that's all the info he gave me.

Thanks for any suggestions.

Author:  Moonrider [ Mon Apr 05, 2010 4:33 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Frederick, Maryland

I've based a couple of vacations in the Frederick MD, Harper's Ferry WVA, and Gettysburg PA area. Wonderful place for the history geeks like me :) Tell him to visit the Holy Cross Abbey in Berryville. Go to the gift shop, and if Brother Thomas is there, ask him about the civil war battle fought on the Abbey grounds. The Brothers there do enjoy company, and while they don't give tours of the Abbey grounds any more, they will gladly chat the afternoon away with you. Also, don't leave without buying a fruitcake! They're literally divinely delicious.

Author:  Avg Joe [ Tue Apr 06, 2010 9:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Frederick, Maryland

Thanks Moon. That sounds right up his alley.

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