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How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?
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Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

I don't know how to do a "Poll" thread, so I thought I would just ask:

1) What percentage of your library is SC?

2) If you removed those tracks from your library- for whatever reason- would your show survive and prosper?

Please just answer 1) (Percentage) 2) (Yes / No / Not Sure)

Author:  srnitynow [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 2:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

1. 10-15%
2. Yes


Author:  rogerniner [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

1. 40-50%

2. Maaayyybee. I like the SC versions I have, plus there are songs only they put out that I was savvy enough to have custom CDGs made before they removed the songs from their custom burn site, which still ticks me off. Where the hell am I going to get "Pepper" from The Butthole Surfers now?

Author:  Dr Fred [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

I would say about 30%, it certainly would be problematic to get rid of the songs. Many regulars are used to singing the songs and versions from SC.

Explaining to a regular that they can't sing a song they sang last month would be a pain, especially as it would probably happen hundreds of times over the next few months.

However I would survive, although I probably would have to go out and get replacements for 1k or so songs were occasinally sung and that I had only from SC.

I am convinced I would "survive" as a KJ, but see a decline in business for a bit.

Author:  tovmod [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

(1) About 4% of my library is sound choice.

(2) Yes

Author:  johnreynolds [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

1. about 20%
2. YES ABSOLUTELY! it's not nearly all about the versions of manus/songs...

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

1) About 3% is only on Sound Choice. About 15% has a Sound Choice version. (I have the SC foundation and some other disks, and also DK Millennium and CBE. Lots of songs have more than one version.)

2) Yes, easily.

Author:  letitrip [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

I have very little Sound Choice in my library. There are a few discs that I've bought for specific songs that aren't available from any other manufacturer but that's about it. My show would certainly survive without those few songs. I'll admit, I'm already considering removing them from my library if the rumors are true that Sound Choice is going to renig on the 1-to-1 concept and try to force us to use discs. At that point I'll stick with the other manu's that agree to 1-to-1 or make their songs available for purchase in MP3+G format. I feel like I get more positive impact having the MP3+G library than I would have negative impact by not including the few SC discs that I've purchased.

Author:  Lonman [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 10:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

(1) I would have to put about 50-60% of my library is SC.

(2) This is what is primarily requested - even when I list other manus, people will ask me for a SC version just by chance. So while I could probably still run a show, I would speculate I wouldn't get the same singers that I get now since that is one of the main gripes they give me about other shows.

Author:  diafel [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

I have a small percentage of SC. I was going to upgrade to more SC selections before all this crap started, but I won't now, since I'm computer based. And it wouldn't hurt my show at all if I took them all out. I tend to use other versions anyway.

Author:  timberlea [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

I'm not sure why the question is being asked but we have about 25-30% SC and though losing them wouldn't be the end of the world our library would take a dent in it.

Author:  BigJer [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

1) I'd guess about 35-40% of my library is Sound Choice

2) Not sure.

My library definitely would be hurting without the Sound Choice. Even though they only comprise about 35-40% of the library, I'm sure over half the discs I end up playing on a given night are Sound Choice. They really did a good job of choosing the right songs for the Foundations and the Bricks and generally the quality tends to be the best even where I have duplications.

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 12:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

Ok, that's a good sampling. More than that I want to thank everyone for actually just answering the question! You folks rock!

As for me, I'm pretty much the same as Tovmod, at just under 4%, and I have a large persentage of those tracks in other versions that are equally or more popular with my singers. I don't see a dent being made in my business.

I also think that if one were to research the amount of SC tracks actually SUNG, the percentage would drop dramatically.

Why did I ask? Well, with the answers given, I would venture to say that SC, on AVERAGE, really is no longer much of an important player in regard to karaoke music. Why all the threads and gazillions of posts?

I understand that there are two sides here. For those who think as I do, why bother with SC at all? It's probablyway cheaper to replace that small percentage of SC with other brands than to pay them off, and your equally safe. It may also send a message to SC, financially. If they can't get payoffs, and they can't sell discs, the problem is solved. They either shape up or ship out.

For those who disagree with my view, and feel SC is doing a fine job of investigation, I would still ask you: Do you really want YOUR business under the control of one manufacturer? If the MAJORITY of one's library ( and again, I don't see that with the examples given- I'm just making a point) is one manufacturer, then everything that one manufacturer does will affect YOUR business. This doesn't make a lot of business sense to me. One might consider a bit more diversification?

Either way, from the examples above, SC isn't really doing anything of importance in regard to me, or most of you. How about we ease up, cool off, and relax. This too shall pass.... :wink:

Author:  Moonrider [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:43 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

JoeChartreuse @ Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:32 pm wrote:
How about we ease up, cool off, and relax. This too shall pass.... :wink:

I came to that conclusion months ago. Phxkj posted a rumor that some default judgments have come down, but those remain unconfirmed. I still think the cases here in VA on the rocket docket are gonna be the first to hit the trial stage. I'm happy to kick back, butter some popcorn and watch the show.

OOPS! Forgot the important part!

Wouldn't affect me one darn bit!

Author:  Gryf [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 1:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

1) 30% - 35% of my library

2) Yes

Fact is I have a good number of duplicates between SC and CB. I default to the SC because they deliver good music with easy to read lyrics.

Author:  leopard lizard [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:35 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

1. 14.5% out of 7400 total is SC--I think the percentage of SC out of the total goes up on the de-duped list but I can't access that right now to fiddle with it. Lots of SC done at our show--Foundation gets a work-out nightly. But CB is running neck and neck as we are a country area.

2. The show would survive but my ears wouldn't be happy. I just get a thrill out of some of their musical arrangements so things might not be quite so joyous.

3. I am incapable of giving a short answer.

Author:  Jian [ Mon Apr 12, 2010 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?


Author:  Skid Rowe [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 6:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

I'm about evenly split. 50% SC and 50% other manus. I use to keep up with the monthlies, but came to realize most people at my shows sing the old stuff, so the Foundations and the Bricks get the most play. If it's country, I normaly use CB.

I think much of my music quality would suffer without my SC disks. Yeah, my library wouldn't be as good without SC. My show would suffer without my SC disks.

Joe, in your previous post you said it would be cheaper to just replace the small percentage of SC disks rather than to pay them off. I guess I have to ask, if you already own the SC disks, why would you have to pay SC off ?

Author:  JoeChartreuse [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

leopard lizard @ Mon Apr 12, 2010 6:35 pm wrote:
1. 14.5% out of 7400 total is SC--I think the percentage of SC out of the total goes up on the de-duped list but I can't access that right now to fiddle with it. Lots of SC done at our show--Foundation gets a work-out nightly. But CB is running neck and neck as we are a country area.

2. The show would survive but my ears wouldn't be happy. I just get a thrill out of some of their musical arrangements so things might not be quite so joyous.

3. I am incapable of giving a short answer.

Leop, with you I wouldn't want it any other way.. :lol:

Author:  leopard lizard [ Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: How much of your library is Sound Choice, And How Important Is It To YOUR Show?

Oh, why thank you. Then I will elaborate because I made the count of the de-dupe list--in other words those versions that are actually in the song book--so out of 5102 songs:

SC 18.6% CB 18% SGB 15% MM 6% (Velvet Elvis--we have many impersonators) Laser discs 10%

We have 41 different brands in the library but the above are the top numbers. Zoom and SBI are at about 2% each at the moment.

What got done last 2 nights--SC 26 songs CB 19 Lasers 4 Elvis-8
SGB 2 Rest mixed.

There you have it.

Oh--cold hard facts: Money spent on SC tracks--good investment. All of us ladies out on the floor shaking various parts to the SC versions of "Smooth" and "Hurts so Bad"--Priceless.

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