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Setting up Freestyler & Open DMX
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Author:  classickaraoke [ Wed Apr 14, 2010 5:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Setting up Freestyler & Open DMX

I've been renting a couple of American DJ Shooting Star fixtures and running them in a sound activated master / slave pair. Now I've just got an American DJ Tripleflex to add to the mix. I also got an openDMX converter and have set the lights up in Freestyler. I had to set the tripleflex up as three separate fixtures.

I'm wondering where to go from here, setting up sound activation looks like it needs scenes, or triggers the can then be cued from the beat.

I don't necessarily want to be spoon fed, more a swift kick in the right direction! Any takers?


Author:  Murray C [ Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Setting up Freestyler & Open DMX

I don't know anything about Freestyler as I use ShowMagic software. But I am curious as to why you would have to set the Tripleflex as 3 fixtures?

Surely, one would only have to set one fixture with either 4 or 9 channels. After all, you can only set one DMX address (the start address) for the fixture... it will then accept values for each address received within it's range. ie, if you set the fixture's DMX address as 001 and it is set for 9-channel mode, then it will respond to values sent to addresses 001 - 009.

Looking at the DMX chart, it appears that SOUND ACTIVE mode can be selected in the 4-channel mode, but not in the 9-channel mode. So if you set the Tripleflex to 4-channel DMX mode and then set a value between 240 and 255 on DMX address 1 & 2, then the fixture will be in SOUND ACTIVE mode. Of course, you could achieve the same by just setting the unit in stand-alone sound active mode without having to use DMX control at all.

Author:  jerry12x [ Fri Apr 16, 2010 6:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Setting up Freestyler & Open DMX

I agree.
It is only one fixture.
What don't we know?

Author:  classickaraoke [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Setting up Freestyler & Open DMX

I set up the tripleflex as three fixtures in freestyler so I could separately change the colors and the tilt on the mirrors whilst using controls in freestyler that were designed for this. If I set up a nine channel single unit then I can tell fixture builder that only one of the heads has a tilt control, and only specify two of the heads for color. The rest become generic faders.

I use sound active on the fixtures right now and they dance and change quite well, I'm just hoping to find a way to have beat responsive slow, medium and fast song types of head movement.

After playing with the shooting star on DMX there is definitely some potential to have the rotation running nice and slow with soft color changing for slow songs.

I guess there's really no substitute for planning out a number of scenes and stitching them together into different sequences which can then be called upon.

- Jonn

Author:  jerry12x [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 6:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Setting up Freestyler & Open DMX

You may find help through one of the following links.


Author:  jerry12x [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Setting up Freestyler & Open DMX

http://www.freestylersupport.com/fsforu ... ?f=5&t=363

Author:  jerry12x [ Sat Apr 17, 2010 7:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Setting up Freestyler & Open DMX

classickaraoke @ Thu Apr 15, 2010 1:44 am wrote:
setting up sound activation looks like it needs scenes, or triggers the can then be cued from the beat.

Yes it does.
Set your scenes and each beat will advance a scene.
Because of that the scenes may change too fast for you.
It may help to duplicate every now and again.

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